View Full Version : What`s your Underride Wheel Well Brush

06-14-2009, 02:25 PM
Primairly been using the Black Schmitt as my tool of choice....mainly because it allows me to *feel* and get more curves .

Tired of *reaching* in to do the wheel weels though.

I like the Griots as there is a 20" offset on the brush head to handle...

Wondering if there is anything better..or what all if yall are using.

06-14-2009, 08:30 PM
Im using a Mothers wheel well brush. Im not a *huge* fan of it but it does the job. They sell em at AG

06-14-2009, 08:31 PM
toilet brush

06-14-2009, 09:19 PM
I bought a "body brush" at Meijer`s a few years back. No way would I ever use it on any painted surface, but it works great on the wheel wells of my wife`s ML. If I really want to get it perfect I`ll follow up with a grout sponge and ONR wash. My car, on the other hand, is much too low to worry about the wells... :D

06-15-2009, 10:57 AM
I usually use various small BHBs (round and paintbrush-style) for the painted areas and tight spots. I use a grout sponge or a Quickee Sponge Mop for the plastic (and or otherwise rough) areas.

If the vehicle`s really low, I jack it up to gain access. Yeah, *every* time I wash ;)

06-15-2009, 11:21 PM
It`s dependent on the vehicle and how easy it is to access the wells; sometimes a long-handled, long fiber, firm brush - with the matching hand brush. Other`s it`s the previously mentioned toilet bowl brush as it`s flexible to get into areas that are difficult to reach. There is the old `back-scrubbing brush` the lady of the house donates on a bi-monthly basis. And finally the nylon-meshed-wrapped sponge.

The Nylon-wrapped sponge is the best when I jack the cars up and/or pull the wheels for thorough detailing. However, on my personal sleds, I`m not doing it every time like the "Practically Perfect Perfectionist" ... the one and only ... Accumulator! :wow:

Geeesh, that guy`s impressive! :bow

06-16-2009, 06:09 PM
ha....jacking up the car so the suspension drops sounds like the ticket....

On the SUV/SAV, clearance is not an issue.

Been thinking about the dropped cars where clearance is a b1tch....dropped enough but the outer edge is exposed.

While on the topic...what underride products are you using. Been debating on an off using Adams undercarriage and using up my gal jug of Hyperdressing 1:4. I like the look of Adams but I hate wiping to get the finish even.

06-16-2009, 06:31 PM
will the adams settle in on its own? I have always wiped it also, but was wondering if it would end up ok if let to set.

06-16-2009, 06:36 PM
It clumps.. a little bit. I generally don`t do a heavy spray. I usually do a 1st pass, and then a 2nd pass.

I don`t attempt to get even full/even coverage on the 1st pass.

And the only reason I do it in 2 passes is because I just don`t like wiping it....

Thats Fresh
06-17-2009, 05:24 AM
$4 at Northern Tool. the bristles are soft but hard enough to clean the toughest dirt. Paired up with TAW, this combo works wonders.


06-17-2009, 11:15 AM
SaintlySins- Hey, nice to see you posting here :wavey

06-17-2009, 12:37 PM
Hey Buddy (ACCUMULATOR & Others)

I had/have/will have a lot going on. As much as I like this site, I just didn`t have the time I used to. (Still don`t - but will try more)

But I took some time to hit some of the Shows and Auctions I`ve also been away from over the last 6 months or so, and at the same time, perused and saw a few threads I knew I could contribute to and get something from on this site too.

I`ll be adding my two-and-a-half-cents a bit more often. But to clarify something someone else had mentioned ... I wasn`t `cheating` on another (detail) site. Although I may be a member and post to some, this place still feels like home and gets most of my good and bad advice :p .

Hope you`re well buddy - looks like you`ve kept this place well informed!


06-17-2009, 12:49 PM
Hey Buddy ..Hope you`re well...

Everything`s good with me :D Well, I still haven`t resumed work on that never-ending M3 project :o But other than *that* big pile of machinery/money just gathering dust everything`s fine.