View Full Version : Eventful Morning for the Police and FD of Manyunk

D Tailor
06-14-2009, 07:05 AM
My Finace and I were treated to a weekend in Philadelphia by our friends. The plan on Sunday, after a great night out on Saturday, was to head downtown to get breakfast and watch the pro-race. I`m a former racer and really enjoy when the old comrades come to town once a year. BUT..when we get to the parking lot, my friend finds his driver door and window COMPLETELy smashed in and the car rumaged through pretty good! While we are waiting for the fuzz to show, a car alarm goes off and then smoke starts to rise. We thought TGIFriday`s was firing up the grills....lo-and-behold it wasn`t the grills firing up, it was this car! What a crazy morning. The race was good and the festivities too. My friend was bummed about his car, but what can you do? We just need to accept that carp things will happen and life will continue as if nothing happened at all. SO ride the wave, snap the lip, hold on tight, and ride on. Lessons Learned: Mr. T is actually an arrogant Cab-Driver, Don`t park in the back/dark corner of the Crowne Plaza, and Infinitis Catch on Fire- at least one did.

Here are the photos of the break in:

They used some serious hardware before busting open the window


Even busting open the window must have been hard, when the FD was breaking in the Inifiniti, they couldn`t very easily.







They wiped the Prints!







And now for the FIRE!

YouTube - Car Burns Down at the Crowne Plaza (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnx8hrCI0lE)

See you guys in July!! I`m off to Spain to see my family and get myself married!

06-14-2009, 08:41 AM
Ouch! I don`t think this one will buff out. :)

Hope you are able to catch the thief.

06-14-2009, 09:27 AM
Sad thing is the only time I`ve ever been to philly the same exact thing happened to me. Stopped to eat somewhere. Wasn`t even in there for a half hour came out and the window smashed out and my luggage stolen. At least you guys we`re safe and it wasn`t a mugging or anything.

Setec Astronomy
06-14-2009, 10:00 AM
Wait, so some random car just caught on fire while you`re inspecting the break-in damage on ur friend`s car? Funny how everybody (except you) thought the car was going to explode like in the movies.

D Tailor
06-14-2009, 10:05 AM
Wait, so some random car just caught on fire while you`re inspecting the break-in damage on ur friend`s car? Funny how everybody (except you) thought the car was going to explode like in the movies.

Yeah. It was the head of security`s first day back from a 2 week vacation. He just came in and said he needed a triple rum and coke to get him through the rest of the day!:LOLOL

People watched too much A-Team and Fall Guy back in the 80`s and early 90`s. Unless that car is loaded up with explosives...then gas, might make things hot for a few minutes :)

06-14-2009, 11:14 AM
Yeah. It was the head of security`s first day back from a 2 week vacation. He just came in and said he needed a triple rum and coke to get him through the rest of the day!:LOLOL

People watched too much A-Team and Fall Guy back in the 80`s and early 90`s. Unless that car is loaded up with explosives...then gas, might make things hot for a few minutes :)

Hey great work on the video.

One word of advice, the gas is not the scary thing with cars these days. You need to worry about the gas and oil filled strut rods. Those will kill you! Strut rods for hoods, hatches, and bumpers will heat up and the rods fire out of the strut casing like a missle. I have seen them land 300 to 400 feet away when unobstructed and penetrate things like truck tail gates and people legs, and chests.

I was extremely suprised to see the Fire fighter take a positon right in front of the car like that. I wasn`t there so he had his reasons but that is not a very safe place to be.

Glad no one got hurt and sorry to hear that so much damgage was caused to your car and yoour friends car.

06-15-2009, 07:05 PM
I`m surprised no one ran into TGIf and grabbed a bunch of fire extinguishers instead of standing there. I think it could have been saved there in the beginning (or as least contained)

06-16-2009, 03:36 AM
WOW...holy crap Dave. I can`t believe that happened to you guy. Good luck in Spain and congrats on the marriage :)

06-16-2009, 06:41 PM
damn, some people are just pieces of crap...I`m sure this person or team will get theirs in due time. Guess you gotta roll with the punches like you stated.