View Full Version : Attn. Mobile Detailers. I have some questions.

06-13-2009, 08:09 AM
I recently purchased a mobile sprayer, the pump says its good for 600 PSI. IMO I don`t need 2000 PSI, just enough to wash away loose dirt and soap like a regular garden hose.

Will 600 PSI be enough?

Should I try to retrofit a pump system from a regular pressure washer into this set up?

The pump has been set up for 200 PSI and was previously used to spray weed killer. (I have already cleaned the holding tank) I ran the machine through its paces and bumped the pressure up to 350 and started to pop hoses off their fittings. Well, I ended up putting a nice sized hole into one of the main lines.

Im going to replace all of the hoses, where could I find a hose that will be able to hold up to the abuse?

Is there anything else I should know/do to set up a nice budget system?


06-13-2009, 08:17 AM
Just my opinion, but, you should have some thinging with atleast a little pressure. I`m a mobile detailer and I`m not always just dealing with spraying off some loose dirt. Some of the jobs require some decent pressure to blow off heavy grime and/or bugs. I don`t like to rely heavily on my chemicals do do all the work, as I find it to be a bit of a waste. You should probably get something with a little more pressure and pay attention to GPM when purchasing.

06-13-2009, 08:33 AM
I would have liked to just bought a complete set up, but this set up was $500, complete and operational. It has a Honda 5.5 motor on it and its run from a pulley set up. I could just buy a new pump and solve that issue right?

Any suggestions on where to shop for a pump and hoses?

Setec Astronomy
06-13-2009, 08:39 AM
So if the setup was complete and operational, why did you mess with it? Yeah, you could just buy a new pump and hoses...except that`s going to kind of blow your "budget" system, isn`t it? I must be missing something here.

06-13-2009, 08:59 AM
So if the setup was complete and operational, why did you mess with it? Yeah, you could just buy a new pump and hoses...except that`s going to kind of blow your "budget" system, isn`t it? I must be missing something here.

Complete- Has 200 gal holding tank. 5.5 Honda Motor. and a water pump all mounted on a frame. The motor started on the first pull, and it pumped water. That is COMPLETE & OPERATIONAL.

Why I messed with it.....

Id much rather something break at the shop, when I have all my tools laid out...so I pushed the set-up to its breaking point. It would be a real PITA if I was in the middle of a detail in the feild and have something break.

I knew I would have to do a little here and there to make it work the way I need to make it work...but IMO Paying under $2,000 for a truck, a trailer, and a mobile wash system, Im still pretty much in the low budget range. Last time I checked a mobile trailer is like 3-5k.

So If I spend a few hundred on a new pump, new hoses....oh well. Im still coming in WAY under 3-5k for a mobile trailer.

06-13-2009, 09:03 AM
You really want to know the GPM`s more than the pressure. The more GPM"s you have the better you`re washer. I have 2. one comercial grade and one from Sam`s club. The Landra is rated at 1400 psi at 6 gpm`s the honda/karcher is rated a 2600 psi at 2.5gpm`s guess which one works better ;)

06-13-2009, 09:15 AM
I have to check the plate on the pump...I think its 2-3 GPM.

So any places you guys recommend to buy hoses/supplies?

Thanks for the replies guys.

06-14-2009, 05:59 AM
I took a look at my pump yesterday and saw that its rated for 9.5 GPM. :werd::woot::buffing: