View Full Version : Anyone know of a single place that sells these 3 products?

06-08-2009, 03:26 PM
After buying in bulk, and with the business picking up here in MN, I`m finally running low on product. So now what? I get to spend more on new and different product! :har: I am looking to get Optimum ONR, Danase Wet Glaze, and Natty`s Blue all in one place. Do you know of any place that sells these three products so I may save a little bit on shipping? Thanks in advance.

Big Leegr
06-08-2009, 04:02 PM
You can get all at PakShak, but he`s currently out of stock on the Danase.

Exceldetail, Autogeek, Detailcity etc. all carry 2 of the 3 but not all 3.