View Full Version : Quick few questions

06-07-2009, 12:02 PM
Hey everyone...going to FINALLY detail my car, after about 6 months of waiting! :( Just had a quick few questions:

1) When polishing...if its a 2-step process...do you polish with one polish all around the car and then do the 2nd polish around the entire car, or 2-step one panel at a time? Im going to use the 83/80 combo

2) Is it ok/will it be of benefit to wax the outside of the windows (476S) or should I just leave them untouched?

3) Will it be of benefit to glaze after the final polish (M80 in this case)? During the fall, I put some #5 on the car, and like the way its looked...I didn`t know if I`ll get this look with the 80 or if I should go ahead and add some #5 while I`m at it.

4) When I ordered from AG, I got the discounted orange flat 4" foam pads. They seem to be kindof hard and crusty. They seem better after I mess with them for a bit (I press my thumb all on the pad). Will they still work after they are primed or am I SOL?

06-07-2009, 12:31 PM
the new lake county orange pads are naturally stiff. most people do in your case m83 around the whole car then go to m80 around the whole car then bring it in the sun to check for holograms and what have you. if you wax the windows the will bead and it will help to sheet the water off when driving sort of like rain-x. and glazes are a personal decision. in your case if you polish then put #5 on you should top it with the 476s. good luck.

06-07-2009, 03:59 PM
well, they`re not new, they`re the old kind they were getting rid of. Its not the CCS orange, but flat orange.

06-07-2009, 07:45 PM
I got those pads and they are fine. Orange pads are pretty stiff, imo, to begin with.

I just used em last night and I got good results.

06-07-2009, 08:30 PM
Alrite...thanks guys! :)