View Full Version : First "customer", my neighbor. Detailed her interior, but don`t know what to charge

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06-03-2009, 07:27 PM
It had bad coffee stains that sat for a very long time, which would come out but after vacuming would reappear. It was like the stain was getting sucked up from the bottom and back to the carpet fibers.

Anyways, i did what I could. Car looks 10x better inside now.

Now, she`s asking me how much she owes me. I told her i dont know, since its my first time detailing someone else`s car. (i detail my families, but as "gifts")

Whats a reasonable charge for:

-vacuum/shampooed carpet and seats (woolite mix)

-spot treatment (woolite, APC, steamer)

-interior dressing

-Also replaced her broken speaker free of charge since i had a spare 6x9 laying around and no use for it.

Car is a Honda station wagon.

06-03-2009, 07:30 PM
It had bad coffee stains that sat for a very long time, which would come out but after vacuming would reappear. It was like the stain was getting sucked up from the bottom and back to the carpet fibers.

Anyways, i did what I could. Car looks 10x better inside now.

Now, she`s asking me how much I owe her. I told her i dont know, since its my first time detailing someone else`s car. (i detail my families, but as "gifts")

Whats a reasonable charge for:

-vacuum/shampooed carpet and seats (woolite mix)

-spot treatment (woolite, APC, steamer)

-interior dressing

-Also replaced her broken speaker free of charge since i had a spare 6x9 laying around and no use for it.

Well.....I`d think of an hourly rate, and apply that to however many hour`s it took you. Did you inform her you`d be charging?

Setec Astronomy
06-03-2009, 07:36 PM
I know, she asked, but I think she`s being polite, but I think the price should be: FREE.

Or are you the "neighbor kid" and she knows your parents? In that case: $20.

06-03-2009, 07:43 PM
Well, took me about 5 hours. lol I removed the seats and everything. Its hard work when using a woolite spray bottle and a bunch of towels, scrubbing the heck out of everything. I need me a little green machine.. :(

She`s known me since I was born and usually gives me 20$ when i wash the exterior of her car. (back when i was a noob)

Im thinking like 30$

Well.....I`d think of an hourly rate, and apply that to however many hour`s it took you. Did you inform her you`d be charging?

Yea, she see`s me working on my car all the time and always ask me when im going to do hers. She came up to me other day and asked me to do what I did to my interior to hers and to charge her whatever i felt was right. She kept coming outside, checking up on me, and noticed the working speaker. She was like "Oooo nice! add that to my bill". But i told her i was going to throw it out anyways so it was just out of courtesy.

Setec Astronomy
06-03-2009, 07:49 PM
OIC...well, sounds like about a $35 job.

06-03-2009, 07:49 PM
i would say to charge hourly from a mininum of $25/hr starting(if planning as career), but if you spend 5hrs ouch.charge what you think is reasonable. look up some of the mobile detailers and see what they`re charging just to get an idea and dont charge what they charge. Estimate how much your work is worth.That way you will have an idea next time you get a client.

Setec Astronomy
06-03-2009, 07:52 PM
Oh come on, it`s the neighbor!

06-03-2009, 08:13 PM
Personally, I`d say anywhere from $25-$50 for your first time and the fact that she`s a nice neighbor. Sure, you can say don`t worry bout the charge, but time is money after all, and you poured yourself into it. She may give you referrals as well with a no charge, but I suspect she`ll appreciate whatever you come up with.

Nice job.....carry on.

06-03-2009, 08:13 PM
Oh come on, it`s the neighbor!

lol yea that ^

06-03-2009, 08:50 PM
Oh come on, it`s the neighbor!


What comes around goes around...think of it as good karma for you...:goodjob

06-03-2009, 08:50 PM
Is she hot? That`s half off. :)

06-03-2009, 09:06 PM
^^ No. lol she`s not in my age range.

She hit me up again asking what she owed me, so i said, "have a sit inside and take a look". She came back and i was like, "how`s 40$?" She then said "cool, ill give you 60$, my car looks beautiful and 10 years younger. I`m going to tell everyone how much i love it"

I couldnt resist. lol I DID install new speakers for free and jump her dads dead battery out of just being a good neighbor.

Feels good man.


Im going to wash the exterior this weekend. Not going to detail it because the paint is cracking on the room and its heavily oxidized. And i told her when i buy a Polishing machine, i`d practice with her car and she agreed.

06-03-2009, 09:58 PM
Im going to wash the exterior this weekend. Not going to detail it because the paint is cracking on the room and its heavily oxidized. And i told her when i buy a Polishing machine, i`d practice with her car and she agreed.

Get a bottle of Eagle 1 Nanowax, which is really good on distressed finishes. A quick once over with some KIT scratch out, can improve the surface quite a bit.

06-03-2009, 10:26 PM
^^ No. lol she`s not in my age range.

The older you get, the less it will matter.

As my C instructor use to say back in college.... "Older women, they understand."

06-03-2009, 10:40 PM
Get a bottle of Eagle 1 Nanowax, which is really good on distressed finishes. A quick once over with some KIT scratch out, can improve the surface quite a bit.

ill show you pics...its beyond saving unless its polished. Not worth the wax IMO.