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05-31-2009, 11:05 PM
I finally tried the Klasse SG I`ve had for months on my car. The day before, I polished it with Klasse AIO, and topped that with Duragloss AW. So I use the microfiber application pad provided with the Dual Klasse kit, nice square shaped soft pad. I tried to apply it very thin, at least as thin as possible by hand to the entire car, then I waited over 30 minutes before attempting to remove.

I would have marred the hell out of my car if I tried to remove it with just a microfiber towel, it dried rock hard. I had to use Megs QD spray to remove the SG, which worked well, but I ended up with a few small holograms here and there. Anyone else experienced this?

I`ve been thinking about where and how I got the holograms because after just the Klasse and AW I didn`t have them so it had to have been from the SG application or removal. I wasn`t aware that holograms could be induced so easily by hand?

06-01-2009, 01:16 AM
I just bought a half gallon of KSG. Now I hear this. :\

Setec Astronomy
06-01-2009, 05:33 AM
Well, maybe you have actual "holograms", or maybe you have SG residue (still). You have to apply SG really thin, so you can`t really see it. You`re doing it right if you kind of see it flash dry and then it disappears. Even doing it that way you will wind up with some spots where you overlapped and it built up. SG is a product that the longer you wait the harder it is to get off. It`s best applied in successive thin layers than one heavy one. Your AIO will take off any residue (be sure to apply AIO thinly as well, it will build up even worse on edges and in crevices).

06-01-2009, 06:43 AM
I moved to the Werkstatt system (based off of the same formula) and never looked back. Its worth invesitgating next time you want more SG as its much easier to apply and use.

06-01-2009, 07:08 AM
dont top aio. apply SG directly to it

you need to use less SG

you need to work the AIO and SG more to remove excess product

wipe on, wipe off. SG shouldn`t be hard dry in the amount of time it takes to apply to a car and take back off...

the vast majority of car products dont like hot/full sun...

The twins are *extremely* easy to use. just follow standard directions to use it. when you go in left field by yourself you tend to have problems.

06-01-2009, 09:16 AM
My application of the SG was exactly as directed so that`s why I couldn`t understand the problems I had. How long is everybody waiting before removing SG? I`m always inside my shop when detailing so I`m never doing it in the sun.

06-01-2009, 09:31 AM
a small car, the amount of time it takes to apply it to the entire vehicle. that`s 3min tops. larger, half the vehicle. it never stays on 5 minutes for me.

06-01-2009, 10:22 AM
SG is a product that the longer you wait the harder it is to get off...

Huh, exact opposite experience here (and you and I sure don`t have differing experiences very often!)...the longer *I* wait the easier it comes off, even with goofy-thick applications (as in, Karate-kid-wax-job thick).

My application of the SG was exactly as directed so that`s why I couldn`t understand the problems I had. How long is everybody waiting before removing SG? I`m always inside my shop when detailing so I`m never doing it in the sun.

I often wait overnight, but that`s just me (I`ve waited as long as three days just to see what would happen and that worked fine too). As long as it passes the finger-swipe test it`s ready to buff off.

Rather than use a QD, I just fog the surface with my breath before buffing it off, the tiny bit of moisture works fine for me.

You must`ve used way too much. I`ve never had the pseudo-holograms from KSG, but have from othe products...this is kinda :nixweiss for me but I`m guessing that a too-heavy application was the cause. When you said how hard it was to buff off, well, that sounds like you used way too much. If you could clearly see it on the paint you used about twice as much as necessary.

I just bought a half gallon of KSG...

Heh heh...I wonder how many hundreds of cars you could do with a half-gallon, and that`s heavily layered too. Consider that it takes *MUCH* less than one ounce to do my minvan, including all the jambs/etc. I`d guess I get maybe two full coats out of a single ounce, maybe more as my *little* bottle is lasting forever (nine years now) despite having been knocked over/spilled quite a few times..

06-01-2009, 10:29 AM
mabye the fact that you applied SG over AW had something to do with it.. SG is supposed to be a pretty finnikey product and doesnt like being put on over anything but AIO or a clean (no other wax or sealant) surface.. just my .02

06-01-2009, 10:32 AM
mabye the fact that you applied SG over AW had something to do with it..

Good catch :xyxthumbs I glossed (no pun intended ;) ) right over that!

imported_Ivan Rajic
06-01-2009, 11:36 AM
I`m with accumulator on this one... never in 3+ years have I had the smallest issue, let alone holograms, with KSG... apply to the whole car and let it sit for 30 mins, wipe down with damp m/f towel (wipe in small sections) then dry towel... comes right off and lasts months...

Bobby G
06-01-2009, 11:46 AM
If you have holograms with SG it`s because they are in the paint.

06-01-2009, 12:10 PM
thanks for the replies guys. I found the SG bottle hard to pour onto the applicator pad because it`s so watery, how do you guys do it and what applicator pad is everyone using? Maybe I should not have used the cotton one that came with it?

Also, I could definitely see the SG dried on the entire car so obviously I put on too much, I just don`t see how I could get it any thinner.

06-02-2009, 09:49 AM
I`ve experienced similar `holograms` with KSG on black paint. Ultimately I was applying too much product and the residue was causing the holograms. From what I understand now you should only have to apply a few drops to your applicator for each panel. If you see ANY residue on a panel after applying KSG then you`ve likely applied too much.

I would redo the car with KAIO and then try experimenting with one panel. Apply, wait an hour, buff, then do a sun test to see how it looks. This way if you mess up it will be a simple matter of hitting that panel with KAIO again and starting over.

06-02-2009, 10:08 AM
Just want to throw in my $0.02- I`m a rank NEWB when it comes to detailing so naturally I was expecting the worse when it came to all the stories I hear about ksg`s difficulty.

To my surprise, I actually found the ksg easier than the aio. I think thin cannot be overstated. I read "thin" so many times it was ingrained onto my brain while I was applying :)

I let it dry overnight as well...the klasse bottle doesn`t actually specify how long to let it dry, so I figure the longer to leave it cure the better. I don`t agree with wowo because I figure klasse says to let it dry for a reason- though I know many have no problems with that method either. Anyway next afternoon there wasn`t much to buff off, and whatever there was there came off easily, paint feels super wet without actually being wet.