View Full Version : Nuba over Zaino

05-26-2009, 01:40 PM
Has anyone had any success topping Z2 or Z5 with a nuba. I like Zaino and have used it for many years. My new car shines but has no depth. It almost has a fake appearence or "plastic like". I am considering topping it with Nattys Blue because apparently the NB plays well with sealants. Anybody tried this with NB or any other Nuba with good results or added depth. I hate to strip off my work and start over plus I feel like I own stock in Zaino with as much of their line that I own.


05-26-2009, 01:53 PM
Let Zaino cure for a day, and then put a carnauba over it. Many on this board have tried this. Some like and some don`t.

I happen to like the look of a carnauba over Zaino. NB, P21S 100%, OCW, CMW and many more would look good over Zaino. jmo