View Full Version : Replacement/Substitutes for Four Star UPP Spray and UGE?

05-23-2009, 12:25 PM
It seems they’ve discontinued Four Star’s Spray Sealant and Ultimate Gloss Enhancer, or at least replaced them with different products.

Besides using them on the S8’s paint, I also use these products on various textured and smooth black plastic items. I simply loved the idiot-proof nature and extreme slickness of these products.

So...what can I use in place of them? Non-staining is absolutely essential, as is W-O-W-O/W-O-W-A application. No, I don`t want to use KSG for this.

I still have some of the old Four Star stuff, so this isn`t critical yet, but I figure I`d better start thinking about substitutes sooner rather than later.

05-23-2009, 12:50 PM
Bilt-Hamber Auto Balm does not stain trim, it actually protects and darkens it. It is not WOWO but close to it. You work is smaller sections, I usually do a panel then buff it off and it comes off easily. However, if you do let it sit too long it will get harder.

It lasts about 6 months and has very good swirl-filling capacity.

Setec Astronomy
05-24-2009, 08:03 AM
I have never used the Spray Sealant, and only used my UGE a few times, but off the top of my head, it would seem that DG AquaWax and Zaino Z-8 would be obvious choices. You could also try Sonus Acrylic Glanz and Acrylic Spritz, and there are the Jeff`s Werkstatt products.

Of course, you could just email Rick Vaal and ask him what he recommends as a replacement: Four Star Products, Inc. (http://www.fourstarproducts.com/info.html)

05-24-2009, 08:25 AM
I have used and use both OOS and OCW on black trim. I also use DG AW on trim.

I have had no problems with any of these products...

05-24-2009, 08:32 AM
Another suggestion to add to the list would be Blackfire`s spray sealant. Looks are on par with Z8 and application is a breeze. I know you have very particular looks you like to achieve on a paint by paint basis so I will throw out the caveat that it may darken the paint a bit (It has been awhile since I last used it).

05-24-2009, 09:32 AM
Thanks, I appreciate all the responses.

Some of the areas I`m thinking about don`t really lend themselves to any significant buffing, so the closer to W-O-W-A the better. There will be areas where I simply can`t buff and I don`t want issues there (otherwise I`d just use KSG).

I thought the BF spray was more of a QD :think: I have some (old, from when I tried BF) and I never thought of it as being a true (spray) sealant that`d last for months the way the 4 Star stuff did.

The BF darkening would relegate the stuff to trim only...I absolutely *DO NOT* like BF on Audi silver. But it might be a good choice for the plastic cowling at the base of the Yukon`s windshield. Could be OK on the black lower sections of the Audis too.

I somehow suspect Mr. Vaal would suggest their new sealant spray, the one with both synthetic and carnauba...but maybe I`m just being cynical.

I got surprising durability from the 4 Star Spray, and I`d sure hate to redo these areas on a regular basis. Hm...

The Zaino Z8 and Sonus Acrylic Glanz seem the most likely candidates so far, along with maybe the BF spray :think: But grrr....I simply love how UPP looks on the S8. Guess it`s not a huge deal to just redo regular UPP on that instead of using a spray.