View Full Version : Environmental whackjobs and vicious dogs capped a great car wash

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05-13-2009, 07:19 PM
Hey guys, you will literally not believe what happened to me during a car wash I was doing for a first time client.

I first arrived at the place. It`s in suburbia, nice lawns etc. I notice that the neighbor`s house has all these solar panels and like four recycle bins outside, it was pretty funny. Anyways my client comes out and opens the car (a nissan) so I can get started etc.

As I am vacuuming, I turn off the vacuum for a second to stretch from bending down. As the noise died down, I heard very loud barking RIGHT BEHIND me. I turned around to see a very large doberman barking very loudly WITHOUT A LEASH like 3 feet away. I nearly **** myself!!! I stayed very calm, stood up straight, and looked into the distance and did not look at the dog in order to not provoke it. It barked for a few more seconds at walked away. I was shaking a good bit after that.

It gets better.

Remember that neighbor with all the earth stuff? Well he pulls into his driveway in his prius of course. He gets out and goes into his house. After 5 minutes while I am filling up a bucket with water, he comes out and comes over to me. When I finish filling the bucket, I look up and notice him. He askes me if I am going to wash the nissan with the water, and after I answered in the affirmative, he said if he sees me dump the bucket into the sewer he will call the EPA on me. He then asks me for a business card to make sure that I dont dump it (my contact info is on it). I told him I didnt have any and that it was none of his business whether I dumped water or not.

He gave me a lecture on global warming and how the water will destroy the lake etc. And said that he would be watching me. After I was done cleaning, I put all my stuff in my van except the bucket...heehee! I looked at his house to see if he was looking but I didn`t see him. So I walked over to the storm drain and with my back facing his house I dumped the water, I was laughing so hard while I was doing it. I was in hysterics!* I hope he saw me


*EDIT: The reason i was in hysterics was becuase as I was pouring the water, I imagined the guy completely freaking out and going NOOOooo!!! OMG The earth! the earth! omg!!!:nervous2:

so therefore, :har:

05-13-2009, 07:21 PM
Oh and it was just water by the way. I used it to clean the sponge from dirt afterwards that used biodegradeable soap.

05-13-2009, 07:32 PM
Ohhh man..... You really got him.......................................


05-13-2009, 07:34 PM
Well yeah but the point was that how often does this kind of stuff happen? Next time I go, i`ll do it when he is watching hopefully.

05-13-2009, 07:35 PM
Mmmm, and your proud of this behavior why exactly?

05-13-2009, 07:41 PM
I mean really, what are you trying to prove?

05-13-2009, 07:43 PM
Proud? So are you proud of that guys rudeness? Maybe if he was nicer and didn`t have the atttitude, I would have told him that it was environmentally friendly. Also, give me a break, I almost got killed by a doberman.

But you know what, I shouldn`t have put "whackjobs" in the title. I care about earth friendly stuff too, but this guy was really rude. HAd an attitude just like some of you are doing right now.

And geez I was just sharing a story with you all. If its not ok, then I guess the mods will delete it?

05-13-2009, 07:45 PM
I`m all for the environment and I`m totally offended.

Just kidding.

-Actually, I do care about being environmentally friendly but some people are too Nazi~ish about it -To me, it`s like people who beat you over the head with their religion.

The Eco-terrorist ruin it for people that are moderate.

05-13-2009, 07:48 PM
Was there a cloud of "smug" hanging over the Prius? :D

05-13-2009, 07:48 PM
I don;t know I thought it was a bit funny.. To many people have corn cob stuff about as far up their butt as can be... They need to chill out and live life a little bit and quit worrying about what everyone else does. Soapy water isn`t going to kill off the envoirment any more than rain washing off the contaminant on it`s own will. Such a stupid stupid thing to get all bent out of shape over.

05-13-2009, 07:49 PM
I don`t know why he was so smug as most of these "eco" crap boxes do more damage alone in just building/shipping them to their owners than most normal cars....

05-13-2009, 07:53 PM
Hey, I`m not particularly environmental myself. Just struck me as somewhat absurd that someone would be giddy about dumping water down a storm drain. Wonder if the dog belonged to the guy. Probably not - sounds more like a chinese crested hairless or cat kinda guy.

05-13-2009, 07:57 PM
Well, I was laughing at the thought of the guy freaking out as I poured it down the drain, in fact I am going to edit it so now you will know :)

citizen arcane
05-13-2009, 08:00 PM
I don`t know why he was so smug as most of these "eco" crap boxes do more damage alone in just building/shipping them to their owners than most normal cars....

...including the increased environmental cost of manufacture and disposal of the nickel-metal hydride battery.

Soapy water? W/ me it goes on the lawn and potted plants. Solution!

05-13-2009, 08:00 PM
lol have your plants survived? :)