View Full Version : white wheels anyone?

05-12-2009, 12:50 AM
Anybody know a good brake dust remover/cleaner for white wheels? I plan on applying some wheel wax after they`re clean but it`s just a slow process of compounding by hand. Any advice?

05-12-2009, 01:15 AM
Have you tried P21S yet?

05-12-2009, 07:05 AM
Have you tried P21S yet?

Not yet but it`s on the top of my "to get" list. Since im in Japan it`s kinda hard to get stuff. Sometimes I have to have stuff sent to my family in the states then sent to me. Is P21s really that awesome? From the before and afters, I see that you just spray it on and let it dwell. Then agitate with a brush(s) and rinse.

05-12-2009, 08:15 AM
Just contact a detailing chemical supplier and tell him you need a jug of wheel acid. Carefully do one wheel at a time, while keeping the wheel wet with water to prevent the acid from staining the wheel. Simple process:

-Pressure wash wheel

-Spray wheel acid diluted 50/50 onto wheel surface

-Agitate with tooth brush or wheel brush

-Rinse with water... And then you`ll be wishing you started using wheel acid from the begining. I use it everyday and love it.