View Full Version : Hello From San Jose CA

05-10-2009, 11:44 AM
This is my first post, Just wanted to say hi

I got into detailing most recently because I am tiered of working for the man. LOL

I enjoy making the car looks it best I love the challenge of it and being my own boss isn`t to bad either. Scary working for yourself but I am motivated and willing to work long and hard.

Well I am sure you will hear allot more from me soon.

05-10-2009, 12:01 PM
Welcome to the forums.

05-10-2009, 12:39 PM
Ah, beautiful San Jose, my other home. :2thumbs: Aviation heaven if you ask me.

Welcome, and remember than you don`t want to just quit your day job and say, "I`m going to detail for a living." You`ve got to have experience first, otherwise you won`t get very far, and I don`t want you to be disappointed in the field because of this! Keep on the board, and practice on your own car, test panels, or cars that are junked.