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05-08-2009, 03:05 PM
For the record, I detail my own vehicle and several select customers. So I am in no way a true professional detailer, but I have had numerous experiences with niche/premium products that over hyped and under performed. Conversely, I have had relatively inexpensive products over perform for my details. Also, what I consider niche products may not be the same as your definition

Below is a sampling of products that I have used in the past.

Best Inexpensive Products

No Streek Glass Polish: around $2 off of Amazon. applies like a wax/let haze and you have a streak free windows.

Collinite 845: most durable carnuba based wax that I have used

Meguiars UQD: very nice beeding,gloss and longevity (for a QD)

Stoners products

Underperforming niche products

L&S 501 : An expensive AIO acryllic sealant that did not last as long, add gloss or clean as well as a more inexpensive Klasse AIO

Finish First: better than L&S but expensive compared to better products out there.

Lexol exceedingly average leather cleaners and conditioners

Griots Glass Cleaner actually works very well until you realize that you can make the same product with distilled water and a 1:8 solution each of Isopropyl alcohol and vinegar for a pittance.

For the professional detailers, I like a true real world take on your experiences on some of the premium/niche products that have/haven`t lived up to your standards and any inexpensive surprises you have had.

Barry Theal
05-08-2009, 03:19 PM
my best inexspensive product would be a cue tip

05-08-2009, 05:16 PM
my best inexspensive product would be a cue tip

Or a foam craft brush...I use them for everything... :)

David Fermani
05-08-2009, 05:26 PM
water seems to work pretty good

05-08-2009, 05:32 PM
Vinegar. It`s cheaper than water.

(That would be the gallon of drinking water for sale at the market, not tap.)

05-08-2009, 06:52 PM
water seems to work pretty good

:werd: Can`t beat it for just about anything LOL... Steel wool and glass cleaner are super cheap yet very effective on chrome and SS tailpipes.

I didn`t buy it but I was able to try the Sourvergn paste wax... Didn`t really see what the hype was all about compared to much cheaper stuff like MaxWax or Classic Wax. Much less some of the insane waxes like Zymol and company. There are certian things I will shell out money for but I`ve yet to ever see any high dollar wax give such a signifigant improvement over a cheaper brand that I could ever justify the cost of it.

05-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Ok, I should have clarified my original post. I`m actually looking for which products either really impressed you or dissappointed you depending on the hype. I am also looking for products that are under the autopian radar that are either really good or an exceptional value. I have had consistantly good luck with Stoner`s products and find them a good value (especially when ordered as a kit). And like Jakerooni stated I have yet to find a high dollar wax that is worth its money (Zymol included)

05-08-2009, 07:49 PM
Best inexpensive? Duragloss AW or Collinite 476s for sure. Disappointing for the price? I didn`t love P21S 100%, I have been disappointed overall with Power Finish.

05-08-2009, 07:53 PM
That`s the idea Picus. I have not tried Duragloss but heard great things about it.

05-08-2009, 07:56 PM
eshine.ca just started carrying DG here in Canada, it makes me so happy. For the price they are some of the best products out there, imo. 105 sealant, AW, the tire dressing; all very good for the low cost.

05-08-2009, 09:01 PM
476s ,megs uc & kaio when it,s on sale; wicked bang for buck.

Haven,t used any real expensive stuff yet.

05-08-2009, 09:23 PM
Best cheap:



Worst expensive:

Megs UQD (expensive for Qd`s)

05-08-2009, 10:18 PM
ok gotta play devil`s advocate here- While I could certainly come up with a few products that "are the worst of the expensive product" I`m willing to bet, there will be good products listed simply because "hype" (aka expectations) is a subjective and personal thing.

For example: I think Meg`s Gold class wax sucks monkey balls -really hate myself for spending the $11 (before i was a detailer this was expensive to me) but I`m willing to bet at least some of why it underperformed was my fault -and- I was expecting way too much out of it to begin with. -Additionally, there are no doubt some people love it use it and get good results.

just my .02

Now my products:

best cheap products- dollar store waffle weave MF towels -only used on my windows and honestly can`t tell the difference between them and the pricey MF.

(Also, only the Waffle weave, the other MF at the 1 store is crap) 70/30 ratio by the way-

Worst expensive:

Gold class wax: -expensive here is relative to my budget in high school but hey...

Pinnacle micro fiber rejuvenator wash-seams to work no better than my ordinary laundry detergent and is super expensive.

05-09-2009, 03:29 AM
Not sure $11 could be considered expensive by any budget for a wax. I guess if you compare it to a small bottle of Turtle Wax, but even then...

05-09-2009, 04:37 AM
Best inexpensive product:

845IW by a mile


Megs GC shampoo

Most disappointing "niche" product:

Black WOW, probably would be more useful for someone with large amounts of wide open spaces of black trim. Mine is small with lots of nooks and crannies, tough to work BW into.