View Full Version : Edge Pad Confusion - Need Help

05-08-2009, 12:14 PM
Ok Edge gurus, I have some confusion here and I need some assistance.

I have bought into the Edge 2K system. I was previously using LC Flat Pads.

What I had was:

LC Orange

LC White

LC Red

What I want are Edge Pad equivalents in 4" and 6" sizes.

On the Autogeek site, for 6" flat pads they list them as:

Yellow - Cutting

Green - Med. Cut

Orange - Light Cut

Blue - Finishing

White - Ultrafine Polishing

Red - LSP

The list the Edge Wave Pads as:

Yellow - Cut

Green - Med. Cut

Orange - Light Cut

Blue - Polishing

White - Ultrafine

Red - LSP

However the 4" Cyclo pads are listed as:

Yellow - Cutting

Orange - Light Cutting

Green - Polishing

Blue - Polishing

White - Finishing

So am I crazy here or does the green pad shift uses (and maybe composition) between the 6" versions and the 4" versions.



05-08-2009, 06:48 PM
no the green are about the same. i have them both and can tell you first hand that there are pretty much the same. the orange pad has me kind confused. if firmer than the green making me think is has more cut. i know that the firmness of a pad probably doesn`t determine its cut but it still makes me wonder.

05-09-2009, 09:28 AM
You got it right, SCoach! :)

Why they didn`t keep the colors consistent, I dunno... maybe they wanted to keep the cyclo pad colors consistent with the other cyclo pad colors.

Regardless, you have the colors correct. However I would think about using PFW pads instead of foam cutting pads when you need heavy correction.

05-13-2009, 10:11 AM
Regardless, you have the colors correct. However I would think about using PFW pads instead of foam cutting pads when you need heavy correction.

I COMPLETELY missed this reply. Had I seen it, I might have made a different order yesterday.

How do the PFW pads work on the PC? I had kinda thought they were only suitable for the rotary or the flex. Am I mistaken about that? If they are ok on the PC, I`ll order a couple the next time I need to make an order.

05-13-2009, 11:01 AM
I COMPLETELY missed this reply. Had I seen it, I might have made a different order yesterday.

How do the PFW pads work on the PC? I had kinda thought they were only suitable for the rotary or the flex. Am I mistaken about that? If they are ok on the PC, I`ll order a couple the next time I need to make an order.

Accumulator wrote a very thorough post on how a 4 inch PFW pad worked out very well for him. Do a search under threads started by him, it should still be there.

05-13-2009, 11:28 AM
Found it and read it. Very helpful. I`ll see how things go with my 4" COF pads first, and if I think I need to step up, I might give the wools a try. Because I use the edge system, the PFW would require some reconfiguration.