View Full Version : What product to use on Chrome Clad Wheels?

05-05-2009, 08:14 AM
My mother just got a used Chrysler Concorde and it has the "Chrome Clad Wheels".. If you aren`t familiar with what they are, they are basically a plastic chrome facade over aluminum wheels. They aren`t really grimey, just that cloudy-chrome look.

I haven`t dealt with these before, I am assuming an AIO product (non-abrasive) is safe to clean and shine these things. I switched from Klasse AIO to DG 501 as an AIO product.

I figured I have to treat them with the same care as plastic chrome trim/grilles. Let me know what you guys are using to clean these.

05-05-2009, 11:37 AM
I asked this a couple of weeks ago. Here`s the thread:


What I`ve done is used Eagle One All Wheel cleaner to get them clean and then waxed then with Zaino. I wouldn`t use the Eagle now because it probably would remove the Zaino and it`s not necessary because the dirt is not sticking so much now that they are waxed. I have a second wash mitt to wash the wheels with Zaino soap, then I dry and and wipe with Z-6.

Also, Mopar makes a wheel cleaner specifically for these wheels. I would have bought that instead of Eagle One but didn`t have time to go to the dealer for it at the time I bought the wheel cleaner.

05-05-2009, 05:45 PM
Ok, I read that thread. Wow, it got so off-track, your question wasn`t answered.

Thanks for the info on the Mopar cleaner.