View Full Version : Repainting

05-02-2009, 02:33 PM
I`ve searched but was unable to find anything, forgive me if this questions has ben asked before.

This past winter an old man hit my bumper and scratched it up really well. Its one of those ones whee I should maybe repaint the whole bumper. In an effort to save a little money I was wondering if anyone has tried the pain from Expresspaint.com. They sell an airosol matched kit. Any input is appreciated. Right now I am looking at $500 for a full repaint.

(I used some touch up paint to hide the white from his car)



05-04-2009, 06:48 AM
i just want to bump this up. Anyone have any experience that they can share?

05-05-2009, 07:34 AM
Can you feel the scratches with your finger? What I`ve done in the past is use compound & polish to fill in the scratches because they were so thin, or wet sanded the entire area to get the scratches to disappear. When the scratches were a little deeper, I got touch up paint from the dealer, applied it, then wet sanded the new paint down, and it was as good as new. Its kind of hard to say in your case what the best way is without seeing the actual bumper.

I`d personally stay away from the spray paints, they seem of a different paint quality and can be hard to work with. The smaller bottles of touch up paint and using a brush is quite an easy task, just a little more time consuming.

David Fermani
05-05-2009, 08:36 AM
If someone hit your car, why aren`t they paying for it?

If the scratches that are on there right now bother you, spray painting your bumper will make it look even crappier. Don`t do it.

05-05-2009, 08:52 AM
Yeah rattle can will never look as good as real paint. You will need a ton of sanding to get it looking remotly good and even then, the paint might not match right.