View Full Version : The Biokleen line- some quick questions

04-25-2009, 08:04 PM
A few people have commented on how well the Biokleen traffic lane works - is this in reference to being diluted in a bottle or added to an extractor-

Biokleen Fiber glow?

and finally, How well does the Biokleen All purpose cleaner work? Can it replace my meg`s APC and the million uses?

I`m trying to decide between buying some 32oz to sample or just get one gallon and live in diluted happiness...

04-25-2009, 10:35 PM
I`ve used the BioKleen TLC dilluted 32:1 in a spray bottle. Yes, that is right, 32:1 is the proper dillution ratio. Spray, let dwell (without it drying) for 5 minutes, aggitate as needed, blot or wipe up, vacuum.

04-25-2009, 10:40 PM
I`ve used the BioKleen TLC dilluted 32:1 in a spray bottle. Yes, that is right, 32:1 is the proper dillution ratio. Spray, let dwell (without it drying) for 5 minutes, aggitate as needed, blot or wipe up, vacuum.

Sounds great - ever use the rest of the line -going to their website makes me want to give everything a try!

04-28-2009, 08:15 PM
Bac-out works great on food or protein based stains.

04-29-2009, 07:54 AM
I have used both TLC and Bac-out in the past and continue to go back to it time and again. I`ve inquired in the past with retailers between the TLC and Fiber glow products. The TLC is marketed as a pre-treat product but there is significant overlap in their applications (I was told that TLC could could be used as an extraction chemical). Both rinse free with ease. As Scottwax mentioned, the dilution ratios make it cost effective and TLC`s versatility is nice. Likely you can`r go wrong with a majority of their products.

Maybe you could test the Fiber Glow out and give us a review?