View Full Version : Quick "ratio" Q`s

04-24-2009, 07:37 PM
Well we`re finally getting a solid, good warm weekend here in the northeast (read: raining every weekend for last 3 weeks with rain days DURING the week too :mad:) Sooo, Im getting a good wash in tomorrow morning...need feedback asap.

I got my products line up for this season and picked up some Adams Car wash (LOVE the Cherry smell!!) and some PS21 Total Auto Wash All Purpose Degreaser...to use with them, I also picked up a Foamaster II & a Pump Sprayer for the degreaser (similar to the 1Z Atomizer Spray bottle)

1-For the Car Wash, whats a good ratio of Adams to use in the Foamaster? I know you can set the oz./Gal. but I`d hate to leave too much sitting inside of the Foamaster after 1 wash...I`d still need some for the bucket/grit washing. Adams bottle is 16oz. Is using half bottle and setting it to 2oz./gal sufficient for a foamy car wash pre-soak?

2-For the PS21 Degreaser using the spray bottle...should it be used in a dilluted form? or should it be used full strength? Keep in mind, car is NOT that filthy but the cute lil` springs bugs are flying out already! Will be using it on the lower 1/2 of car, front bumper and wheel wells/tires too.

Thanks for any quick feedback :dance:2thumbs::thx

04-25-2009, 09:46 AM
..I got my products line up for this season and picked up some Adams Car wash (LOVE the Cherry smell!!) and some PS21 Total Auto Wash All Purpose Degreaser...to use with them, I also picked up a Foamaster II & a Pump Sprayer for the degreaser (similar to the 1Z Atomizer Spray bottle)..

I haven`t used the Adams shampoo but I`m pretty familiar with the TAW.

1-For the Car Wash, whats a good ratio of Adams to use in the Foamaster? I know you can set the oz./Gal. but I`d hate to leave too much sitting inside of the Foamaster after 1 wash...I`d still need some for the bucket/grit washing. Adams bottle is 16oz. Is using half bottle and setting it to 2oz./gal sufficient for a foamy car wash pre-soak?

Presoaks are of limited value IME and the way I wash I use *MUCH* more during the washing itself than I do when spraying some on for the presoak. Just my opinion, but washing the way I do/recommend you`re gonna use enough that you won`t have to worry about any being left in the foamgun. I`d keep the foamgun`s output flowing, aiming for the point where your wash medium contacts the paint.

Remember to use short, interrupted, jiggling motions and not long sweeping ones.

I mix shampoo concentrate in a gallon jug: 5-6 oz. shampoo and the rest water. Then I fill the foamgun from that and adjust the strength depending on what I`m doing/how dirty the vehicle is. Generally, these days I do the initial passes with the sliderbar in the middle and then any subsequent passes with it one setting weaker.

[Note the above is much stronger than I used to use...]

As I said, I`ve never used the Adams, but IMO most shampoos are about the same when it comes to dilution.

2-For the PS21 Degreaser using the spray bottle...should it be used in a dilluted form? or should it be used full strength? Keep in mind, car is NOT that filthy but the cute lil` springs bugs are flying out already! Will be using it on the lower 1/2 of car, front bumper and wheel wells/tires too...

I use it full-strength for degreasing and LSP-stripping, but I dilute it about 50:50 for other stuff (I just do it by eye so that`s a guess). Note that it`ll still compromise LSPs at that strength. FWIW I don`t use it for bugs/etc. and I find it awful expensive for tires/wells (and I`m not exactly a penny-pincher ;) ).