View Full Version : BMW advice please.

10-27-2005, 01:14 AM
Hey fellas. I`m going to clean my buddies, girlfriends 2004 Black convertible
beemer tommorow (thur.). I`m not a professional, but I have done a ton of
buddies and their buddies and so on, so I have a feel for this stuff.
Although I`ve never done a "high-end" car like this, nor have I ever done a
convertible. Are their somethings I need to know before I get started,
Like is the paint different than my chevy s-10 pick-up? Can I clay it?
Any little bit of advice, any will help. I thank you for the help. Out.
Rogie in Huntington Beach

10-27-2005, 04:33 AM
The best advice I can give is to pretend the car is your own. Just because it`s a BMW instead of an S-10 pickup, that doesn`t mean there is any difference in the steps you need to take to make it shine again. Start with the mildest products needed to do the job and go from there.

Wash it, clay it, use SMR & polish it, wax it, seal it...a convertable means less paint to polish up, there are two things I would take a bit more care on, the convertable top...what it`s made of will determine what you can use as a protectant and secondly, it`s black...black paint is always a bit touchier to work with & get perfect.