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04-20-2009, 06:38 AM
Well, I finally had my wisdom teeth extracted and I must say, I think I got lucky, knock on wood. It was MUCH easier than I psyched myself up for. The surgeon said it was one of the worst he`s done in a while but all went well. Took him over double the time he thought. The nice part was I sat in the chair at 10:30 in the morning, got an IV, asked the doctor if it was normal for my arm to be burning and don`t remember anything until I woke up on my couch at 3:30 that afternoon. LOL That was Thursday. I`m still a little sore today but not that bad. Hopefully by weeks end I`m all better.

04-20-2009, 07:35 AM
LOL gotta love the IV`s I had all 4 taken out and I guess mine just popped right out. They had been impacted for quite some time. But I remember walking in to the appointment at 10:00am and walking out by 11:00am. I was worried just like you because my aunt had hers out a little before mine and she swelled up like a chipmunk for 2 weeks LOL.

04-20-2009, 08:12 AM
LOL gotta love the IV`s I had all 4 taken out and I guess mine just popped right out. They had been impacted for quite some time. But I remember walking in to the appointment at 10:00am and walking out by 11:00am. I was worried just like you because my aunt had hers out a little before mine and she swelled up like a chipmunk for 2 weeks LOL.

For sure! I could of not of done that if I was remotely awake. LOL They took all 4 of mine too. The doctor always gives you the worse case scenario. He called that night to check up on me. He talked to my wife because I was still out of it. He told her that he had to grind them out of the bone and stuff and that tomorrow I was going to look like a chipmunk and most likely be blakc and blue. I woke up the next morning expecting the worst and I looked the same as always. A little tiny bit of swelling but not much at all. I`m just glad it`s over and pray I have no dry sockets. LOL

04-20-2009, 08:14 AM
Wow yours took a while. Glad it went well though!

I had mine taken out in 30mins and that was all 4. The surgeon did an amazing job, did hurt at all after wards and took about 30mins. I took really care of mine cause I DID NOT want dry sockets...

04-20-2009, 08:41 AM
Wow yours took a while. Glad it went well though!

I had mine taken out in 30mins and that was all 4. The surgeon did an amazing job, did hurt at all after wards and took about 30mins. I took really care of mine cause I DID NOT want dry sockets...

Yeah, he said if I was younger, like 18 or so he`d have them out in 12 minutes. He told me it`d take 20 minutes and then once he got in there took 45. LOL

Yeah, I`m following their instructions to a T so hopefully I`m good.

04-20-2009, 08:49 AM
You`re lucky. When I got my 5 Wisdom teeth out, they hurt like hell. I was massively sick afterwords and was vomiting blood for a while. I had a few days of immense pain and then it was pretty much better. Unfortunately, extracting #5, they did nerve damage in my mouth and now I`m lucky to get numb when I go to the dentist.

Glad yours went better and even more glad i didn`t tell you that BEFORE your procedure!


04-20-2009, 09:05 AM
Yeah, he said that the lower tooth was close to a nerve and he was leaving part of it in because he did not want to give me nerve damage. But when he got in there he said he was able to take it all out. I was glad!

04-20-2009, 10:00 AM
Glad you`re doing well now Bob.

I`m just thinking it was very wise of you to have them removed. :)

-John C.

04-20-2009, 10:03 AM
Glad you`re doing well now Bob.

I`m just thinking it was very wise of you to have them removed. :)

-John C.


All my wisdom is gone now. No joke, Sunday I started my motorcycle and let it run for a while. My parents come over later on and my dad and I where out in the garage and he was asking how the bike was running. I went to start it up for him and it would not start. I could not believe it! I just had the bike torn apart and rebuilt and rejetted the carb and everything. I try starting it until the battery goes dead. Then I check the gas tank and it`s bone dry. LOL

04-20-2009, 10:05 AM
Danase- Glad it went so smoothly. Wow, you were out for a long time!

04-20-2009, 10:22 AM
Danase- Glad it went so smoothly. Wow, you were out for a long time!


Well, I woke up in the recovery room and my dad brought me home and everything. I just don`t remember anything. My dad said I almost fell face first into out patio doors though. LOL

04-20-2009, 10:44 AM
Glad it went well for you. I had my 4 taken out last year. The procedure went well enough (I jokingly asked for the car keys within a couple minutes of coming off the IV before going into zombie mode) but it was all downhill afterwords. The pain medication they gave me did something awful to my stomach. I chucked that and went for the ibuprofen and that worked well enough.

04-20-2009, 10:48 AM
Glad it went well for you. I had my 4 taken out last year. The procedure went well enough (I jokingly asked for the car keys within a couple minutes of coming off the IV before going into zombie mode) but it was all downhill afterwords. The pain medication they gave me did something awful to my stomach. I chucked that and went for the ibuprofen and that worked well enough.

Yeah, I told them no Penicillin or Vicodin. I`ve never taken Penicillin before my a few people in my family are allergic so he just gave me something else. And I tried to take Vicodin before but it just tore up my stomach and gave me headaches so he perscribed Tylenol 3. He was really insistent that I take Advil or Motrin though to keep down the swelling. I haven`t really taken the Tylenol 3 at all.

04-20-2009, 05:22 PM
I`m not looking forward to having my 6 wisdom teeth removed. Ha ha - beat you Greg!

My doc says it`s not that rare, but 8 is. My brother had 6 as well. He already had his out. I`ll probably get them out later this year. Ugh!

04-20-2009, 06:30 PM
Wow! I don`t know how you have room for all of those man! LOL