View Full Version : My opinion on these two items....

04-19-2009, 01:59 PM
I recently purchased two new products to try out and thought I would give my

.02 worth.

#1: FK 2180 Ultra Poly Wipe Sealant. I used this on my black 2008 Saturn Sky. Application of the product was very easy. It really didn`t have much of a smell to it. The removal of it after allowing it to sit for 15 minutes as directed was just as easy as the application. The results, I thought were phenomenol. It provided awesome gloss, however, the depth was mediocre. Overall, I really like the product for the ease of application as well as removal and for the gloss it provides and will most likely be purchasing more of this product.. I did this today, so I cannot comment on the durability as of yet.

#2: Dodo Juice Double Wax. I used this on a Silver 2008 Jeep Cherokee. Application of the hard wax was a little difficult. It didn`t seem to spread very far and I had to keep "loading" the foam applicator. Because it is so hard, though, it didn`t seem like I used that much out of the container. The smell was nothing special, either. The removal of the hard wax was very easy and produced a nice gloss, even on silver. Then after waiting appx. 1 hour as directed, I applied the soft wax. This was much easier to apply, however, because it is easy to apply, it is also easy to get carried away and apply it too thick. The smell of the soft wax was much more pleasant. The removal of the soft wax was also very easy and when applied in conjunction with the hard wax, produced an excellent "wet" appearing shine with quite a bit of depth...and keep in mind this is on a silver vehicle, too. I also cannot comment on the durability of this product since it was applied to a clients vehicle. Overall, I am also very satisfied with this product and will be purchasing more when I run out of my current supply. Even at $150.00, I think it is a well worth investment (at this point...again because I cannot comment on durability.)

I decided to use the FK 2180 and the Double Wax in conjunction with each other. I did this on my black 08` Sky. Here is where it gets wierd. Individually, both products produce an awesome very "wet" looking shine. However, when the FK 2180 is topped with the double wax, the double wax actually seems to mute the `brilliance` just a tad. However, the finish looks just as amazing as it did the day I literally pulled it out of the showroom. Although the `brilliance` was muted just a tad, the depth of the two combined was absolutely amazing and made up for the slighly muted brilliance. Overall, I may start to use this combo after paint correction (which I did prior to with Menzerna SIP followed with 85rd.) on both my black sky and the silver Jeep. I just hope that this combination satisfies me with other colors as it did so far with these two colors.

Anyway, kind of a long write up on two products, but just wanted to comment in the event that anyone was thinking about trying either product.

I was running late for work, so I didn`t have time for pics, however, I will post some here as soon as I get the chance to show you guys the end results. Tune in within the next day or two....