View Full Version : Using Washer Fluid as Bug Remover

04-18-2009, 01:05 PM
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone has had experience using windshield washer fluid to remove bugs from the windshield, grill and bumpers before washing the car? Prestone makes a new Bug Wash washer fluid and I was thinking about trying it. It is only $2.00 at Walmart for a gallon.

We have bugs really bad from the rice fields here locally. Your windshield and grill will fill up with one trip out. I was thinking you could spray it on to help "unstick" them, then wash the car.

Does anyone know if it would damage your paint? Or any other problems it might cause? Thanks! :think2

04-18-2009, 05:49 PM
Jonnyboy- Welcome to Autopia!

Potential issues I can imagine: it`ll strip your LSP (Last Step Product, i.e., wax) and it`ll have less lubricity and encapsulation than some alternatives.

04-18-2009, 07:26 PM
Add some ONR to the washer fluid...works on the windshield anyway