View Full Version : PC 7424 vs. Flex 3401 vs Megs. G110 (small questionnaire inside)

04-16-2009, 07:37 PM
ok guys....its a 3 way race here...im new to this, want a easy to use machine with user friendly controls and enough power to get what i need done without having to repeat steps more than nesc.

So tell me, as a relatively new autopian who has NEVER used a true D/A before which one they would recommend AND why.

Lastly, which of the 3 do you use, and heres a small questionnaire i made up for you guys who own one of the 3

Which D/A do you own?

What are the PROS of your D/A?

What are the CONS of your D/A

How many years have you owned/used it?

How often per day/week/month/year is it used?

If you were to buy a new D/A, would it be the same you currently own, or one of the other brands, if other, which brand and why?

Has your D/A ever broken/malfunctioned causing you to not be able to use it, if so, was it able to be fixed in house or did it have to be sent out?

If yes to above question, what happened to D/A and is it a known issue or a random one time problem?

If theres anything else you`d like to add about one of the 3 D/A mentioned....please by all means, let me now as id like to make this a one-time purchase for MANY years.



04-16-2009, 09:17 PM
I only have the 7424 and I`m just a weekend warrior, that`s all I`ve used.

I`m quite satisfied with it. :heelclick

04-16-2009, 09:29 PM
Holy crap, I thought you said SMALL questionairre. More like an interrogation

Anyways, I use a pc but plan to evebtually upgrade to a flex.

With the right technique and product the pc is more than capable of correcting anything. If your only doing your car and maybe a friends here or there than the pc is sufficient enough imo.

It really comes down to budget and if this is a business or hobby to you.

For the price of a flex alone you can buy a pc, a good amount of pads, and polishes.

What`s your budget and intentions?

04-17-2009, 07:09 AM
budget is 300-400 bucks and id be doing my vehicles, friends vehicles and possibly may try some detailing as a side income.

04-17-2009, 07:32 AM
budget is 300-400 bucks and id be doing my vehicles, friends vehicles and possibly may try some detailing as a side income.

Get a Flex. I own a PC,a UDM, 2 rotary`s and Flex. The Flex has the power to cut any clearcote. A PC is a good tool as you should have one anyway.The Flex will make the job faster and is a much smoother unit to use.I have had the PC for 6yrs and the Flex since it came out so its well over a year .Never had a problem with either. I have them all setup to use the Edge pad system .Which enables me to swap a pad from machine to machine with out needing to change backing plates.

imported_Ivan Rajic
04-17-2009, 07:47 AM
ok guys....its a 3 way race here...im new to this, want a easy to use machine with user friendly controls and enough power to get what i need done without having to repeat steps more than nesc.

So tell me, as a relatively new autopian who has NEVER used a true D/A before which one they would recommend AND why.

Lastly, which of the 3 do you use, and heres a small questionnaire i made up for you guys who own one of the 3

[1]Which D/A do you own?

[2]What are the PROS of your D/A?

[3]What are the CONS of your D/A

[4]How many years have you owned/used it?

[5]How often per day/week/month/year is it used?

[6]If you were to buy a new D/A, would it be the same you currently own, or one of the other brands, if other, which brand and why?

[7]Has your D/A ever broken/malfunctioned causing you to not be able to use it, if so, was it able to be fixed in house or did it have to be sent out?

[8]If yes to above question, what happened to D/A and is it a known issue or a random one time problem?

If theres anything else you`d like to add about one of the 3 D/A mentioned....please by all means, let me now as id like to make this a one-time purchase for MANY years.



1. I currently own a G110 but I`ve owned a PC for about 2 years, up until last spring when I got the G110, and I owned a Flex for a few months... G110 and PC are essentially the same machine with the G110 performing just a bit better... I sold my PC to get a Flex, then found little use for the Flex since I use my rotary 99% of the time, so I sold the Flex and bought a G110.

2. Pros of the G110/PC: it can handle a lot of the correction details I`ve done (obviously with longer work time), usually leaves surface in perfect condition and seems like good quality overall.

Pros of the Flex: does even more correction and gives the rotary a run for its money sometimes since it finishes down better, without holograms, on certain paints, while still doing much of the correction a rotary would do. Very good for 1 step details.

3. Cons of the G110/PC: doesn`t have enough power for many correction jobs and even when it does it takes a long time to break down polishes and correct. It also can bog down with enough pressure.

Cons of the Flex: IT ROTATES COUNTERCLOCKWISE!!! haha that`s actually the main reason I sold it... even though I found I `only` needed a G110 to complement my rotary usage, I would`ve kept the Flex since it is a better machine, if the rotation didn`t bug me... also, the backing plate design... not only are they not changeable, they have caused too many problems to too many people

4. G110: 1 year, PC: 2 years, Flex: few months

5. It`s used every other or every 3rd detail (G110 currently, but used the PC a little more often before, when I wasn`t using my rotary almost 100% of the time)

6. I am planning on buying another G110 to have as a backup and also when training people (friends, clients, or helpers) but I would love buy a flex in an instant if the rotation was clockwise... I`ll buy one anyway when I have some spare cash, but I`d pre-order a Flex if they `fixed` the rotation and backing plate design/connection.

7/8. No.

EDIT: I suggest the Flex for you since it`s within your budget.

04-18-2009, 01:29 PM
ok...why would a flex rotate CCW as opposed to CW?? (is there a specific reason?)

04-18-2009, 03:24 PM
Flex > G110 > PC

04-18-2009, 03:47 PM
so you prefer Flex over G110 and G110 over PC?

04-18-2009, 03:48 PM
I have a Makita and a PC and those two cover everything you will ever need.

04-18-2009, 04:21 PM
I had a pc and could not stand how long it took for correction.....so i bought the flex and love it.The rotary will give you faster corection and a better finish but you will probably still have to finish with a da for final polish.

04-18-2009, 04:43 PM
ok....anyone have any reasoning to Flex rotating CCW and not CW?

04-18-2009, 06:54 PM
I`m thinking of buying a FLEX and I`m a weekend warrior only. My brother`s Audi`s clear is tough as nails...we`re getting decent correction w/ the PC, M105, Orange Pad, and KBM but not the correction we`d like.