View Full Version : Sun Gun Owners...

04-16-2009, 09:51 AM
There was a recent Sun Gun thread that got turned off topic and couldn`t seem to find its way back.

So just wondering.... you Sun Gun owners, how do you use them, and what kind of defects are they capable of showing?

I`ve been using a Brinkmann, halogens, and incandescents for swirl/mar/RID finding, then florescent for gloss, and the sun for holograms.

Is it true that you can find *most* holograms with a Sun Gun?

Since our Canadian brothers can`t use the sun to find holograms ;) is a Sun Gun a practical alternative?

Setec Astronomy
04-16-2009, 10:03 AM
Sheesh, Supe, I think you should head over to the airport and round up a Night Sun..that oughta help you out!

04-16-2009, 10:33 AM
... you Sun Gun owners, how do you use them, and what kind of defects are they capable of showing?

I use mine the same way I use my incandescent trouble-light, as point-source illumination. It works OK for spotting swirl/scratch-type marring; generally better than a halogen and both more *and less* convenient than the tripod mounted halogens and my incandescents (the "more and less" being a matter of its being a little hand-held thing..sometimes great, sometimes not).

Gotta watch that it doesn`t wash out/"dazzle" what you`re looking at when inspecting metallics.

I`ve been using a Brinkmann, halogens, and incandescents for swirl/mar/RID finding, then florescent for gloss, and the sun for holograms.

It`d sorta be a replacement for the Brinkman...better or worse I dunno :nixweiss as I`ve never used the Brinkman. Considering you already have that...well, this sounds like the sort of redundant purchase that I`d make and then :rolleyes: about later. Heh heh, you sure don`t see *me* shopping for a Brinkman, much as others tout them ;)

Is it true that you can find *most* holograms with a Sun Gun?

With apologies to Dve KG, not *IME*. I can see nasty ones quite well, while moderate/mildish ones are barely discernable, you have to look for the "shadow" or "distortion" effect while moving the light (it *is* far better than anything except natural sunlight though). But the very faint ones that drive me nuts...nope, I can`t see them with the SunGun (can`t find them even when I know where they are). FWIW, it`s a big PIA to see them in sunlight too (I`m not talking about anything so severe it`s obvious to anybody looking at the vehicle), but that`s the *only* way I ever see them.

..Since our Canadian brothers can`t use the sun to find holograms ;) is a Sun Gun a practical alternative?

It`s better than nothing, but in my case I have to hope the holograms are severe enough to show up under the SunGun, and then I have to ~over-correct the area in question because if I only improve them (as opposed to eliminating them entirely), I won`t be able to tell under the SunGun.

I dunno...but I`d be interested to hear what you decide about it if you do in fact buy one.

04-16-2009, 11:01 AM
I`ve wondered the same thing. I always use my Brinkmann, halogens, and sometimes LED light to find swirls when sunlight isn`t an option but for halos the sun has been the only real revealer, at least with the lighter halos.

Dave KG`s light thread with the Sungun: http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing/116684-important-demo-light-sources-halogen-vs-sun-gun.html

04-16-2009, 11:18 AM
Accumulator- I`m actually not considering a Sun Gun at this time; it`s a "down the road" purchase for me, I just started this thread so that efnfast could get a thread going on using a Sun Gun, as he just got one, but his thread got trashed.

04-16-2009, 12:45 PM
SuperBee364, I appreciate the new thread, I have a new to me Sun Gun and I am also looking for tips/tricks/proper usage.



04-16-2009, 01:06 PM
Sheesh, Supe, I think you should head over to the airport and round up a Night Sun..that oughta help you out!

Not a bad idea.... :D

Barry Theal
04-16-2009, 05:07 PM
superbee i have a brinkman and a sungun. (3m) now the sun gun was designed for color matching for a painter. the brinkman well a spotlight! now with that in mind. my sungun is awesome no doubt it shows every flaw! but the brinkman is almost just as good! the brinkman for 20 dollars at walmat compared to 300! hands down wins. now ill tell you if you want something for inspection check out the fenix lights! ask dsms about it i know he has one!

04-16-2009, 05:39 PM
SuperBee364, I appreciate the new thread, I have a new to me Sun Gun and I am also looking for tips/tricks/proper usage.



Grats, man.... I`m saving my nickels...

superbee i have a brinkman and a sungun. (3m) now the sun gun was designed for color matching for a painter. the brinkman well a spotlight! now with that in mind. my sungun is awesome no doubt it shows every flaw! but the brinkman is almost just as good! the brinkman for 20 dollars at walmat compared to 300! hands down wins. now ill tell you if you want something for inspection check out the fenix lights! ask dsms about it i know he has one!

Yeah, those are really sweet lights. I have a SureFire that I love, but the batteries don`t last very long, and they`re expensive.

04-16-2009, 06:03 PM
Good thread- I have always wondered if it is worth the extra several hundred dollars of the cost of the Brinkmann.

04-16-2009, 06:06 PM
I`m not sure if they still have them, but Tuesday Mornings had a special on the dual bulb rechargeable Brinkmanns for 13 bucks. I`ve been finding myself using the Brinkmann and the incandescents more than my halogen stand lately.

04-17-2009, 12:28 AM
I guess it wouldn`t hurt to have the Sun Gun but I really think it`s a luxury. As it stands right now, I have the Craftsman halogens, Infratech CM5300 and I just got my Brinkmann in today. Just like you Supe, I won`t be needing a Sun Gun for quite some time.

04-17-2009, 10:44 AM
efnfast [/B]could get a thread going on using a Sun Gun, as he just got one, but his thread got trashed.

OK, roger that, I must`ve missed that thread. Sheesh, another thread that went sour huh?