View Full Version : Folex on gas stained carpet (need help with pics)

Wknd Dtlr
04-15-2009, 09:57 PM
OK, so every time I start reading this forum I get new ideas. Last weekend I was looking at a large gas stain on the carpet in the back of my Yukon ( my wife did it so don`t ask!) It`s been there for three year and I had pretty much written it off as a permanent.

I recently bought some folex ( read about it on the forum ) for another project but I thought what the heck I`ll just try it on a small spot and see if it even touches it. Lo and behold, it seemed to pretty much take it out.

Tonight I had a few minutes so I went out and decided I would do a section. If it worked I would spend 30 minutes. I made pretty good progress with it. At first I just sprayed it and rubbed it in with my fingers and then rubbed the section with a clean cotton cloth. I kept turning the cloth frequently so as to not rub back in the dirt it removed. I went through several clothes. After a while I switched to a scrub brush that seemed to work as well. I got to the half way point and decided to stop for the night. The area appears clean but it is still wet so I need to see how it looks when it dries.

Here are my questions for you carpet detailing experts:

1. Am I using the correct process with the Folex?

2. Once I get done with the whole stain cleaned I want to clean the whole carpet in the back area of the vehicle. Should I use a Folex mixture in water or can I use another product? I know you are suppose to completely remove any trace of the stain before shampooing so as not to make the stain set.

Here is the process I have in mind to clean the carpet:

- Thoroughly vacuum carpet.

- Spray on Tuf Stuff or an APC and then use scrub brush to loosen dirt.

- Use towel or mitt and dip in water to continue scrubbing and also rinsing.

- Extract dirt and moisture with Rigid wet/dry vac

If possible, I would like to use some of the products I already have in my arsenal:


-Tuf Stuff

-Simple Green

-Megs APC+

-Some sort of citrus degreaser for bike chains

-Dawn dish washing detergent

-Scrub brushes

-Various MF, terry and cotton towels

I have before and after pics I am trying to post. I uploaded them to the gallery but I can`t figure out now to get them on to this post. If someone can tell me how to do it I`ll post them up as soon as I can.

This is the test spot I tried last weekend (area circled in red)


Here are some more showing the progress


