View Full Version : P21S Washer Booster Roll Water Off?

04-15-2009, 05:07 PM
Even when I drive at 70mph, the rain only really start to roll of the my windshield. I added the P21S Booster to my windshield fluid and cleaned the windshield. Now rain starts to roll off at 50mph.

So I am wondering, does P21S leave something that makes this happen or is it because the the windshield is cleaned better, so clean window roll water better?

04-15-2009, 08:39 PM
It might have something, have you tried emailing someone at P21S?

Try putting some JW Acryllic Jett on, it rolls off at 30 mph.

04-15-2009, 09:02 PM
Not trying to jack your thread or anything but I have a question thats sort of related. Has anyone done a test to see what wax or window chemical begins beading off water at the LOWEST speed? I have aquawax on mine and it seems to start beading up and off at about 40mph. I`m sure window marring and crack and chips affect this also.

Smoked Tails
04-16-2009, 03:28 AM
I don`t know if you could do a fair comparison of products in that regard unless you had somebody try them all or only took results from cars with the same aerodynamic profile...or whatever it`s called.

The way the air flows up to and over the windshield will most definitely skew the results.

Good idea though.

As far as the OP goes, I don`t know. I`ve never been one to treat my windshield to much other than wash soap, QD and window cleaner. I`m just too lazy.

04-16-2009, 05:03 AM
Also consider that the windshield itself (angle, material composition, etc) will play a role in what speed water will begin to roll off.

I think Aquapel is an extremely good, durable, and purpose-made product for this job.

I use UQW and it works very well too, but some have gotten streaking from this (which I think is from continual use and film build-up).

04-16-2009, 02:53 PM
Thanks guys. I am actually considering optiseal on windshield but dont know if it will streak. The aquapel seems like a more official product for the job. Is it easy to use and hard to streak?