View Full Version : Engine Bay detailing

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04-08-2009, 06:59 PM
Hey guys, been awhile since Ive done some detailing. Being a few years out of the "know," could someone catch me up to date on what are the current best products and procedures to do some engine detailing on a 97 Mustang Cobra?? Been doing some reading, looks like CD-2,Megs HD, simple green etc are mention but looked like they were in posts a few years back. Thx appreciate your replies!

04-08-2009, 07:25 PM
I like to degrease it down with say P21S Total Autowash, scrub it all down and then coat everything with either 303 aerospace protectant or Z16.

04-08-2009, 07:34 PM
Hi stiffdogg06,

Thx for the reply, is that comon stuff found at local Auto-zones, wal-mart etc?

04-08-2009, 07:47 PM
Hi stiffdogg06,

Thx for the reply, is that comon stuff found at local Auto-zones, wal-mart etc?

The only thing you MAY be able to find locally is 303 aerospace protectant. And some places have Zaino locally but not a lot of places will.

I don`t get a lot of stuff OTC, so hopefully others chime in.

04-08-2009, 08:08 PM
Your local Harley Davidson dealer sells S100 you can get some Total Cycle Cleaner there, CD-2 works well and you can find it at Autozone or check your local paint and body shop supplier for Meguiars Hyper dressing

04-08-2009, 08:17 PM
Once again, a technical answer.

here`s my question ... what does everyone use and recommend to capture all that nasty run off from teh engine detail ... the worst offense in detailing for creating run off?

Or, does everyone simply focus on what super duper product to use?


04-08-2009, 08:32 PM
Once again, a technical answer.

here`s my question ... what does everyone use and recommend to capture all that nasty run off from teh engine detail ... the worst offense in detailing for creating run off?

Or, does everyone simply focus on what super duper product to use?


I assume that you are talking about all the nasty junk that gets rinsed out of engine and onto your nice clean driveway.

I wash & degrease engines over a rock driveway area, but most people don`t have this sort of an "i don`t care spot." In that case, a large sheet of that cheap painters plastic helps with the mess.

04-08-2009, 08:43 PM
With a car like that I wouldn`t think the engine would be too bad. Most cleaners and some elbow grease will work. I try to use steam as much as possible. Megs HD or CD2 work really well. CD2 is simple and I haven`t had a problem with it. Spray it on, let the engine run and wipe off an excess.

Relaited- I have yet to see any of your posts that show you know anything about actually detailing a car.

Relaited- I can`t tell if you really care about the environment or if you are just pushing some new product.

04-08-2009, 09:33 PM
I was thinking of using the cheapo bottle of F21 they`ve got at wally world as an engine bay product. It`s like 2 bucks, I`m sure it can`t be any worse than nothing, right? Mind you, my engine bay is more dusty than grimey.

byers ford
04-09-2009, 12:03 PM
Get a good degreaser and some various brushes, and your in business. There are products at Auto Zone, Wal-Mart etc. that you can buy, but just make sure they are "safe" and won`t damage, for example, and chrome dress-up items one might have on their engine.

Just make sure the engine is cold and avoid drowing things like the alternator and coils, to avoid damaging the engine.

04-09-2009, 04:04 PM
Once again, a technical answer.

here`s my question ... what does everyone use and recommend to capture all that nasty run off from teh engine detail ... the worst offense in detailing for creating run off?

Or, does everyone simply focus on what super duper product to use?


It`s getting old, Jim. The OP is asking for product suggestions, and, as usual, you`re going to steer this thread down a different road focusing on your own agenda. If you want to talk about water reclamation, start your own thread.

04-09-2009, 04:17 PM
you get get "Vinylex" at Discount Auto Parts which is very similar to 303

04-09-2009, 05:46 PM
Once again, a technical answer.

here`s my question ... what does everyone use and recommend to capture all that nasty run off from teh engine detail ... the worst offense in detailing for creating run off?

Or, does everyone simply focus on what super duper product to use?


Rather than completely de-rail the thread with an off topic response like this, why not make a new thread in the Green detailing forum and put your post there?

For engines, I use Simple Green, TAW, steam cleaner and a small BHB.

04-09-2009, 08:38 PM
Do you guys cover up the Alternator and battery?

04-09-2009, 08:52 PM
no, just be cautious around them dont force water in obviously