View Full Version : Used regular auto soap like ONR and got good results!

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04-06-2009, 11:48 AM
Hey everyone, I am ordering the 32 oz. size of ONR, so don`t flame me for what I am saying next.

Yesterday, I was detailing a customer`s black Nissan x-terra SUV. I was going to use a traditional wash, but I thought to myself, I`ll try the 2 bucket method but ONR style and maybe save some water. If it doesn`t work then I will use a regular hose.

So what I did was, I put a small amount of water in two buckets (like 4 inch deep),

put armor-all car soap in one and mixed it up.

I dipped my MF sponge and made sure it was damp with the soapy water (NOT dripping wet) and proceeded to wipe down a panel, dipping it into the "grit" bucket to clean the sponge every two wipes, and then dipping it into the soap. After wiping the panel, I immediately dried the panel with an absorbent towel.

It was nice and smooth, and didn`t streak and no waterspots (I did this in late afternoon when it was cooler).

I proceeded to wax the panel immediately afterwards to protect it.

I then moved on to the next panel and did the same and so on.

The SUV looked really nice and shiny; the owner was pleased that I did not use the hose and wasted a lot of water.

So what do you guys think? Will ONR be neccessary if the above method works? Am I making any mistakes? Can this be improved?


Setec Astronomy
04-06-2009, 11:57 AM
If it works, go for it. Despite all the backlash in your other thread, if your customers are happy, then you are a success with it. Are you located in an area where there are water restrictions in place or looming?

04-06-2009, 12:04 PM
LOL that was some backlash huh? lol

It worked for the most recent vehicle I did. I have another customer today and hopefully that goes well also. I was really happy with the results yesterday, especially since it was a black SUV.

Nope, no water restrictions (or looming) in this part of the country (midwest). Just trying to promote the fact that my business saves customers water bill payments, usage and it works really well on the environmentally "sensitive" customers. They love the idea.

Setec Astronomy
04-06-2009, 12:06 PM
So was it faster for you?

04-06-2009, 12:10 PM
hmmm... thats a good question. I don`t know, because with a traditional method, you can just slather soapy water all over, rinse, and then dry. But with this method, I see 2 benefits.

1) You can micromanage every panel and see every mistake and correct them before moving on to the next one.

2) Customers like the idea of not so much water being used, and I think this increases business.

If they want a faster wash, I can warn them that a hose will have to be used. What do you think?

04-06-2009, 12:17 PM
This isn`t the first non ONR wash I`ve heard of using the ONR method. The other was using 1z Perlz. The reason is works with the 1Z is because it it very low sudsing. Is this Armor-all shampoo a low suds? I`ve used some green apple smelling armor-all and it was in the medium range.

I`d say you should still get the ONR though. It`s great stuff.

Setec Astronomy
04-06-2009, 12:17 PM
I can`t see it taking longer than a hose wash, do you? I`ll be interested to hear if you ever try the ONR how you compare the methods.

04-06-2009, 12:22 PM
Setec, I will definitely give you a comparison.

About the Armor all, I use the blue colored, regular auto soap. I keep the suds low by mixing it in the bucket lightly with a clean plastic rod of some sort. I think the key is to make sure the sponge is damp and when sueezed on the suface it has a small amount of suds. I don`t think it matters if theres a little bit of suds because its easily dried off, and you can always tell if the sponge has soap in it. Soap is good lol

04-06-2009, 12:27 PM
Oh and my MF sponge hes webbing around the sides of it so its super easy to get bird **** and bugs off and use the grit bucket to clean it for the next wiping.

04-06-2009, 02:50 PM
I find I personally can wash a car faster using ONR then a traditional hose method. I have read people having good lucking using 1Z Perls in the same manor as ONR

04-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Hydro - I think you will find as time goes on you will pick up speed more and more, and that a hose wash is in fact slower than a rinseless wash type.

should you buy the ONR? I say its a great product. Check out DP Rinseless Wash & Gloss, no rinse car wash, concentrated no rinse wash, quick detail spray, waterless wash (http://www.autogeek.net/dp-rinseless-four-in-one.html) that is Buy 1 get 1 Free, and pretty much the same as ONR (different color). I use ONR, but if you want more for your money that is a win win IMHO.

ONR and the above dp rinseless both are decent clay lubes. I like ONR but like I said if you want more for your money right now DP Rinseless is a good buy because its BOGO!

Have you checked with George about the pro detailer account? Just curious, what wax are you using?

04-06-2009, 03:50 PM
The dp rinseless comes to the same price per oz as ONR.

Btw on my own car when I onr, I add a capful of perls. When I do this I don`t need to use a QD as a drying aid or gloss adder. perls is a great soap, just pricey.

To the op, I`m glad your experimentaton is working out for you, but you really should just pay the money for a gallon of onr or even the bogo DP rinseless. It will cost about a quarter to do a wash in the end. Your really not saving much by doing this, and even though you got decent results this time, who knows what damage you may cause the next time. By making a cheap simple investment, your saving yourself possible thousands in the future. Do you have the cash to cover any damages to a customers car that may be incurred by using this soap in this manner?

Good luck though. I just personally wouldn`t risk it. I myself am a cheapo and look to cut costs anyway I can, but I have never regretted spending the money on onr,

04-06-2009, 04:14 PM
The dp rinseless comes to the same price per oz as ONR.


I have never regretted spending the money on onr,

2 points to make here.

Point #1

DP Rinseless is 2 for $15.99 (64 oz of product) or

4 32oz containers for $31.98 (1 gallon, buy 2 of the bogo offers)


32oz of ONR costs $15.99 (32oz of product) or

1 gallon of ONR is $39.99.

however though what I think you ment was when DP Rinseless isn`t on sale for BOGO that it is the same price as ONR. However you now can double your product for the same amount of money....

prices per ounce break downs

*DP Rinseless is figured buying 2 of the BOGO offers while buying 1 gallon of ONR.

DP rinseless

1 gallon = $31.98 / 128 = 0.25 cents per ounce


1 gallon = $39.99 / 128 = 0.31 cents per ounce

there is a slight difference in price per ounce....

Point #2

ONR is money well spent!

Setec Astronomy
04-06-2009, 04:29 PM
I thought the DP Rinseless got crappy reviews here and was regarded to not be as good as ONR?

04-06-2009, 04:35 PM
this is the "new and improved" version so that makes it better right?