View Full Version : When Multi pad polishing...

03-29-2009, 09:30 AM
Is this the correct procedure?

I used the Orange pad w/PC on a pannel with some paint prep, worked it until it was broken down. Then I switched to a black pad (did not add additional product) and worked it some more. Then buffed with a MF towel and applied UPGP. Repeated the above steps on each pannel. Had to be super careful on pannel overlap.

Should I have Orange padded the whole car, then folowed with he black pad for the whole car, then buffed the whole car w/MF and UPGP`d the whole car?

Seemed i was switching pads alot, but I never did thes before. The results were great but is the a fasrter better way? I used the black pad dry, is that correct procedure, meaning I used it on top of the broken down polish from the orange pad?

03-29-2009, 09:35 AM
I would do the whole car with each step.

03-29-2009, 10:56 AM
Do the whole car w/ the same color pad and compound, then wipe off and do the next step.


Use orange pad + compound for whole car

Wipe down

Use white pad w/ swirl cutter

Wipe down

Use blue pad w/ glaze/sealant

Wipe down

03-29-2009, 11:01 AM
Sorry for my inexperience but what does dry buffing an already broken down paint cleaner do?

03-29-2009, 11:47 AM
Sorry for my inexperience but what does dry buffing an already broken down paint cleaner do?

Its when you use a finer (softer) pad to finish down the product left on the car from the previous step. I was using a very mild product with the orange pad for cut and then a black pad for finishing.

03-29-2009, 12:07 PM
Sorry for my inexperience but what does dry buffing an already broken down paint cleaner do?

When you are polishing there is a FILM between the paint and pad... This is needed for some lubricity. Once that film is gone and you are still polishing is called DRY BUFFING which will most likely put into new holograms/swirls.