View Full Version : Washing (tools not cars)

10-20-2005, 01:32 PM
I have some questions about tool maintenance.

I have different tools for the trade, and need to streamline my washing. In your opinions, what can be washed with what.. I have some opinions and practices of my own, but I might be wrong.
-terry cloth applicators
-foam applicators
-synthetic sheep skin chamois
-waffle weave m/f
-m/f cleaning
-m/f wax removal & QD
-synthetic wash mitt for wheels
-lamb`s wool wash mitt

Perhaps I`m dumb for asking, but I`d like to know. I wash out applicators and mitts before laundering already, so they aren`t overly dirty but have product in them. I`d like to keep these things as long as possible without contamination..

10-20-2005, 03:10 PM
you can really save some money this by keeping your " tools " maintained properly. And I know from your posts that the slow season is upon you so every little bit helps.

From your list I would wash these seperate to avoid containmination.

wash mitt for wheels
m/f cleaning

10-20-2005, 03:53 PM
All my MF towels go into one tub and the foam and terry ones go into another. I use very little terry towels anymore but those are in another tub...The MF towels are washed togther in laundry soap and Oxy-clean in cold water and hung to dry
Applicators are soaked over night in the same soloution then into the washer on warm and dried for about 15 miuntes. The terry towels are washing in hot water and dried. My stuff stays pretty clean for the most part....any MF towels that are realy dirty I soak over night this really helps to keep them in good shape