View Full Version : Soft Honda paint + KSG... F#^$ me

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03-28-2009, 11:26 AM
I don`t usually post on forums - I like to read instead - but I just have to say that I`ve had it with KSG on my RSX.

The paint is so soft, a child`s laughter would put swirls in it. My process is usually Menz IP on a white pad and FPII on a grey pad. KAIO with a blue pad and ...Perfect! Until it`s KSG time.

I use KSG with a primed red applicator pad. Suuuper thin - just like everyone says to. Multiple layers, a few hours apart w/ buffing the residue in between layers.

Pull all that hard work out into the sun... and I want to cry every time. They`re not _horrible_ by any means, but we all know that anything less than perfect is a terrible waste of time. Perhaps my technique needs some revision, but it`s my assumption that red pad + extremely light pressure + good MFs =(or should=) very few if any swirls. I think KSG simply requires too much contact with the paint in my situation.

Regardless, I`m looking for something else to provide some long-term protection. It doesn`t have to have the endless durability of KSG, but it would be nice to not have to reapply every few weeks - did I mention how soft the paint is? Also, it seems that pretty much _anything_ will be easier to use than KSG, am I right? I can`t imagine anything requiring more effort than KSG...

Any recommendations?



03-28-2009, 12:27 PM
I also have an Acura TSX and i really hate how soft is the paint.....You should try FK1000P.Easy to apply, easy to remove, great durability...

03-28-2009, 01:04 PM
Duragloss #105. Appy it over Duragloos #601. In my experience, you don`t hardly need much pressure at all to remove it and it lasts a very long time.

03-28-2009, 01:08 PM
I also have an Acura TSX and i really hate how soft is the paint.....You should try FK1000P.Easy to apply, easy to remove, great durability...

Another vote for 1000P here. Well, that and UPGP. If you have problems swirling the paint when you apply and remove 1000P, give UPGP a shot. It`s a really good choice for soft paint, as you don`t have to rub off the film after application. The application process itself is very gentle, too.

03-28-2009, 01:10 PM
I think in your situation a few layers of optiseal or upgp would be best.

Since they are wipe on walk away products you will spend less time in contact with the paint

Garry Dean
03-28-2009, 01:22 PM
I think in your situation a few layers of optiseal or upgp would be best.

Since they are wipe on walk away products you will spend less time in contact with the paint

+1 for minimal paint contact.

03-28-2009, 01:50 PM
I have soft black honda paint as well and have never had an issue with klasse. The only trick that i have learned is after it sets, don`t just keep rubbing hard to get it off. I usually just wipe the bulk of it off with a microfiber then mist some water on it and the remaining klasse will come off with ease. I put 7+ coats and did not cause any damage.

03-28-2009, 02:19 PM
I am a fan of Opti-Seal for really soft paint... Reason being that you spray it on, spread softly with a damp applicator and then it flash drys with no need to remove a "residue." You may get "streaks" but you can easily remove them with a QD.

So it`s one less step where you could induce swirls/scratches into the paint.

Frito Bandito
03-28-2009, 03:09 PM
I agree that Opti-Seal is probably your best bet.

03-28-2009, 03:14 PM
just a thought, check it in the sun after the KAIO

KAIO is a chemical cleaner and maybe the polish is hidding the defects

then the KAIO is removing the fillers.....

03-28-2009, 04:05 PM
i too have a black rsx and the paint, although so pretty, is soft as hell

as others have said, i think ultima`s sealant is what you want

mist on a soft mf applicator, spread and call it a day

03-28-2009, 04:55 PM
Zaino Z8 is probably the best option for a sealant that requires minimal contact. Just enough of a brush with a towel to spread it around. Less buffing than some quick detailers. A very similar option is Duragloss AW. You could switch from KAIO to DG 501 (better than 105 IMO) and top with AW. That would be very durable and require less buffing on the paint.

03-28-2009, 05:31 PM
just a thought, check it in the sun after the KAIO....

That`s what I was thinking too. Funny that you could do the KAIO step but not the KSG one...and I`d be wondering about the MF too.

Plus, I can`t get a properly (well, my version of "properly") thin application of KSG via machine, I *always* end up applying a whole lot more than I do by hand.

I dunno...I put it on so thin I can`t really see it, let it set up overnight, fog the surface with my breath, and it buffs off with hardly any contact pressure at all :nixweiss

Q regarding the FK1000P suggestions: yeah, I like it too and it comes off easily. But don`t you find that it takes a bit more application effort/force than a liquid like KSG? I mean..the FK1000P is a pretty hard paste and getting it a) onto the applicator and b) from the applicator to the paint... well, it takes a bit of doing compared to wiping on KSG (and yeah, I`m using FK425 with my FK1000P to help the process along).

Not like I`ve ever had a problem with it, but then I don`t work on the softest paints in the world either. I kinda feel like I`m being more aggressive putting the FK1000P on than I am during any part of the KSG process, not that I`ve ever really thought about it before. Guess I`d be leaning towards the wipe-on-walk-away stuff too if I had paint that soft.

03-28-2009, 08:32 PM
JW AJT! This stuff looks just as good as KSG, or even better and has excellent durability. And it can be used over AIO. I`ve been using it on my silver car for a year or so now and have been impressed. I also throw a coat of DWG between layers of AJT for even more slickness and shine.

WERKSTAT Detailing: Acrylic Jett Trigger (http://www.werkstat.com/acrylic-jett-trigger.php)

03-28-2009, 08:39 PM
JW AJT! This stuff looks just as good as KSG, or even better and has excellent durability. And it can be used over AIO. I`ve been using it on my silver car for a year or so now and have been impressed. I also throw a coat of DWG between layers of AJT for even more slickness and shine.

WERKSTAT Detailing: Acrylic Jett Trigger (http://www.werkstat.com/acrylic-jett-trigger.php)

Agreed, but throw in some prime while you`re at it. It`s better than KAIO IMO.