View Full Version : zymol creme wax

03-24-2009, 11:49 PM
I purchased the zymol creme wax for my silver color cars. Recently tried it out on a Mercedes S class Hood. For comparison sake I applied mother`s pure carnauba paste wax on the doors, fender, and rear section of the car. After all was done, I could tell very little difference between the Zymol Creme and Mother`s pure carnauba paste wax.

What`s your opinion on Zymol creme wax on light colored cars? At $60 for 8 oz jar, it isn`t the most expensive wax on the market. I wonder if PS21 or Z2 Zaino can achieve similar result.

03-25-2009, 12:59 AM
I purchased the zymol creme wax for my silver color cars. Recently tried it out on a Mercedes S class Hood. For comparison sake I applied mother`s pure carnauba paste wax on the doors, fender, and rear section of the car. After all was done, I could tell very little difference between the Zymol Creme and Mother`s pure carnauba paste wax.

What`s your opinion on Zymol creme wax on light colored cars? At $60 for 8 oz jar, it isn`t the most expensive wax on the market. I wonder if PS21 or Z2 Zaino can achieve similar result.

What wax you put on your car is almost irrelevant, as it (shine, depth, gloss, etc.) all boils down to the polishing work really... I have lots of waxes that cost from $5 to $500 and there`s only a few of them that I can truly see a difference in and PS21 is one of those waxes. It makes white and other light colored cars simply glow like no other wax I own (haven`t tried it on a darker colored car yet, but I`m sure it`d be the same). Also which wax you use is a personal preference based on ease of application and removal, look (or placebo effect) that it gives and how much it boosts your ego when you`re driving around town. I`ve seen $5 waxes outlast ones 20x the price...

03-25-2009, 05:20 AM

In my experince all the Zymol waxes (not the cleaner wax) tend to have a look i would describe as an icecube just before it really starts to melt. A thin layer of wet ice, i have noticed this on many of there waxes.

I currently have Japon and Destiny. As mentioned before no prep no results, you should notice a difference between the Mothers and Zymol.


03-25-2009, 11:59 AM
Creme works, you just have to have the right surface to put it on thats all ;)

Prep prep prep!

03-25-2009, 03:30 PM
Try comparing the surfaces (if you haven`t yet) in natural daylighting, and also use good photographs. You should really compare panels that are next to each other instead of trying to compare a hood and fender. The reflection on panels that are not at the same angle or exposure will not be able to compare accurately. Many times (even with the same wax) a hood shot will look like a pool of water, whereas a side panel shot (depending on state of polish, color and sunlighting) will hardly look wet in comparison to the hood.

I have used Mother`s line of products extensively in the past, but it is better that I reserve my opinion of them vs. zymol (and leave the actual comparison to your experience). I will wager that (given equal prep stages) if you do a side by side comparison, like I mentioned earlier, that it may show a better distinction between the two lsps.

03-25-2009, 04:10 PM
Providing similar prep work the main difference you will see between different products is their durability.

03-26-2009, 12:45 PM
Providing similar prep work the main difference you will see between different products is their durability.

That isnt true! Some lsps mute flake, some darken paintwork, some make paintwork glossy....!

03-26-2009, 01:19 PM
zymol wax combain between good look and good durability .

zymol is great wax IMHO zymol carbon better than concourse why

easy to use ,carbon also good for light colour.

after full prep apply zymol creame and see the clarity of this wax .

if you looking for amazing look and durability not important go with

p21s concorse wax .

03-26-2009, 03:23 PM
I`ve tried both the zymol liquid wax and the mother`s pure carnauba. The mother`s seems to have a more sparkling shine, while the zymol has a softer shine with more glow, and hides more paint defects than the Mother`s. You need to spray the Zymol with pure water, though, to level out the wax on the car. Then, the Zymol looks a whole lot better than before you wet it. Wipe off excess water with a soft cloth, and then buff lightly to bring up the shine. Zymol only looks really great if you mist it with water. Otherwise, it`s about the same as most other waxes, in my experience.

03-26-2009, 03:47 PM
^-That could be the common zymol (blue liquid) that is widely available in the stores.....(or sometimes called the "turtle wax" zymol). The wax that the op was referring to is better known as one of the "Authentic Zymols", in which the creme wax is a part of the Handcrafted Waxes.

The Authentic Zymols are much different than the liquid turtle wax marketed zymol that`s available OTC.

03-26-2009, 04:38 PM
^-That could be the common zymol (blue liquid) that is widely available in the stores.....(or sometimes called the "turtle wax" zymol). The wax that the op was referring to is better known as one of the "Authentic Zymols", in which the creme wax is a part of the Handcrafted Waxes.

The Authentic Zymols are much different than the liquid turtle wax marketed zymol that`s available OTC.

Sorry, I should have specified. Yes, that is the liquid Zymol that I was referring to.

03-27-2009, 05:09 AM
This business of it being made by Turtle Wax is open to debate though - the product is mixed up and bottled in the same factory that also mixes and bottles Turtle Wax but it is still a Z product.