View Full Version : Really impressed with Meguiar`s as of late

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03-23-2009, 10:50 PM
I have been really impressed with the quality of Meguair`s products lately (obviously Jason Rose has had a HUGE influence on their professional line). Even though Meguiar`s doesn`t get a lot of credit, I started thinking back to all of the Meguiar`s products that I do like and that I use regularly and they might be my most used product line (yet they slip under the radar and I don`t realize how much I grab for them).

Window Glass Cleaner Concentrate- Probably my most used window cleaner. It is 9/10ths as good as Eimann Fabrik (the Meg`s doesn`t bead water for days and day like the Eimann) but 11 gallons is like $20.00!!!

M135 Synthetic Detail Spray- Another amazing product, like Ultimate Quick Detailer in bulk.

M80 Speed Glaze- This is great final polish (by DA) for those who like to top with a carnauba wax directly after polishing. I have been using this polish quite a bit with my Flex (after not using it for years) and think it is highly under rated on this forum. I understand it has filling potential, but what doesn`t?

M105 Ultra Cut Compound- Enough has been written, said, and praised about this product. It has changed DA polishing (IMO) and made rotary polishing more efficient Having a polish that doesn`t break down, but works very quickly, has really changed the speed in which a level 12 cut compound can perform. Not to mention it can finish the paint pretty damn well!

M205 Ultra Finishing Polish- The ultimate one step DA polish in my opinion. On a Flex with a DA and White Lake Country Pad I feel I can get a finish EQUAL to a rotary. One the of the reasons I always finish with a rotary is because the planning motion of the pad would break down traditional diminishing abrasives in the most uniform manner possible, thus increasing the potential for a more microscopically even surface. By using non-diminishing abrasives (that obviously don`t need a planning motion to break down evenly because they don`t break down), M205 has changed the game. I feel I can finish the paint faster (work M205 for 30 seconds with a Flex over an area or jewel 106fa for two minutes) and get a rotary equal finish, with out the fear of shadow hologramming returning two months down the road. Add to this that I can work the M205 longer with greater pressure and actually get a fair amount of correction (since the abrasives in M205 don`t` break down, total cut is relative to total time worked), then back off the pressure and finish to a micro marring free finish.

M00 Hi Tech Body Wash- Still the best lubricant to add to water for wet sanding and one of the best non-sudsing `pure` soaps . Because M00 doesn`t add anything to the surface (no gloss enhancers, silicons, waxes,) M00 is perfect if you washing the car after polishing and want to use a finicky sealant, or between layers of finicky sealants.

Unigrit Sand Paper- The best sandpaper I have used for hand sanding from 1500-3000 grits. Way better then 3M.

W66 Backing Plate- Best backing plate I have used on a rotary so far.

W7000 series cutting pads- For the level of cut this pad has, it leaves the finish almost perfect. The non reticulated foam just finishes out so well for a cutting pad it is scary. It is like the M105 of foam pads, a ton of range.

M21 V2 Synthetic Sealant- Really another under rated product that really darkens paint and leaves a great, wet, deep finish. Very easy to use as well with good durability.

M26 Hi Tech Yellow Wax- For the price (pound for pound) the best wax money can buy. You have to spend a lot more to get near the look of this wax, and more still to exceed it, IMO.

Meguiar`s APC- My most used All Purpose Cleaner. Great for cleaning carpet, upholstery, engines, tires, polishing pads, rubber, etc.

Meguiars Hyperdressing- Like super quality armor all that is cost effective and customizable to the look.

Meguair`s Safetyy Degreaser- My most used degreaser and the best pad cleaner in the world.

Also, by moving there high tech professional line product technology into the consumer `Ultimate` label, such as the non diminishing abrasives in Ultimate Compound, Scratch X 2.0, and Swirl X, they have redefined, IMO, what a consumer product can do. Hell, those polishes are better then some of the boutique stuff we use day to day. Ultimate Quick Detailer and Quik Interior Detailer are two more products that are really top of the line, IMO.

Discounting Duragloss as a consumer brand, Meguiar`s probably offers the best sealants and car soaps on the market (although Mother`s Reflections is every bit as good as NXT 2.0 IMHO).

But here is thing that really strikes me about Meguiar`s, and this just occurred to me. For a company that covers so many faucets of detailing, from the consumer, detailer, and professional markets, they really the only big company out there preaching the benefit of doing it the right way...

From washing with two buckets with grit guards (at least on the forums) to using microfibers for their intended purposes, to polishing, using a Porter Cable, etc, they are out there teaching correct technique that would do any `boutique` detailer proud. I don`t see brands like Turtle Wax or Armor All (consumer side) preaching the benefit of paint polishing and preparation I don`t see guys like Jason Rose from Turtle Wax, helping develop products that meat the most stringent users qualifications.

Anyways, just my random thoughts on a sleepless night.

03-23-2009, 11:14 PM
Todd, i couldnt agree with you more about Meg`s. I am a big fan of their products, but just not their forum :) I feel it is hard to get a straight answer over there, even though their products are good, its like everyone is afraid to say anything bad if they have a negative experience...but anyways that is another story for another day

Hyperdressing is the most impressive in my eyes..what a great product

APC - Love it

#00 Wash - a great shampoo too bad no gallons..i hear #62 is even better, and at 21 bucks a gallon, i will have to give it a shot

M105 has sure changed things in polishing for me

Supersoap is a great foaming shampoo for wheel/tire maintenance, as is Shampoo Plus

The real dud in the lineup that i have actually tried is #9...pure fillers

03-23-2009, 11:27 PM
Very well written sir!

I have been a long time supporter and user of Meguiar`s products. I left for few years to try out another brand and have since returned to using Meguiar`s. You are correct that Meguiar`s sometimes (a lot of times), doesn`t get the credit they deserve. You have hit the nail square on the head!

I really love the M105/M205 combo, the M21 and M135. I use all four religiously on my car and my motorcycle. I also really like the Gold Class Shampoo, for the money it`s hard to beat it.

Thanks for a good read.

03-23-2009, 11:47 PM
I have to agree with Todd here--Meg`s not only makes good products, but they seem to actually care about educating consumers. Maybe this is just marketing BS--I don`t know. However, I (and I`m sure many others here who detail for a living) can relate. I don`t like to just sell my services, I also like to educate. Meguiar`s seems to believe the same thing.

Todd, a quick question about M21: Have you used NXT 2.0? If so, how do you think it compares with M21? I know that they`re supposed to be extremely similar, and while I`ve never used M21 I personally don`t care for NXT 2.0. However, if a detailer of your caliber is a fan of it, I may have to give it another shot.

Also, while we`re giving props to Meg`s, let`s throw Ultimate Compound and Ultimate Quik Wax in to the mix. I`ve found myself topping PS with UQW, and that alone speaks volumes.

03-23-2009, 11:58 PM
yeah i couldnt agree more

when I first started to get into this detailing thing, i thought only the most expensive and non-OTC etc etc

but nxt 2.0 was good, m26 was even better than now Ultimate Quick Wax is very very good

if they keep this up, my entire line up of products will be exclusively them...

Clean Dean
03-24-2009, 12:05 AM
Great write up TH0001. I agree with your opinion of their Unigrit sand paper, and I have been using their APC exclusively for years. I still use both #20 and #21, and agree that #21 does a great job of darkening a deep finish and looks really wet.

I still haven`t tried M105 and M135 , but will be trying both out soon.

03-24-2009, 12:21 AM
Nice as always Todd.

Never been a big fan of Meguiar`s over the years. Always have been overpriced in Canada and never liked their "Trade Secret oils" that they used in a lot of products, among other things.

But the last few years they have raised the bar and I look forward to their new developments and also what other companies are going to come out with, to keep pace.

The last number of years have been great for detailing, with all the new and innovative products.

03-24-2009, 01:20 AM
You read my mind Todd. I always feel like I am backed up against the wall when I post about using Meguiar`s products. My theory, developed from time on many detailing forums, is that people have moved towards a trend of supporting boutique and more expensive products, and tend to shy away from "consumer" product producing companies.

I even catch myself justifying to customers that although I am using Meguiar`s products almost exclusively, I am not simply working on their car with a basket full of stuff I picked up at Wal-Mart. Meguiar`s has an insanely complete product offering when you consider the markets they go after: automotive consumer, automotive professional body shop, automotive professional detailer, boat, RV, and motorcycle lines. That`s a lot of products and specialization...

I think an amazing product that I use more than anything you failed to mention is Last Touch, and it is worth mentioning. Last Touch is one of the most cost effective, and most versatile products out there.

Full strength it is my weapon of choice for removing any surface contamination, wipe downs, or totally dried product (polish/compound/wax). Dilute it 50/50, and you have a cheap and effective clay lube, and general polish removal spray. I use it every time I remove M105 or basically any polish BUT M205 as a lubricating agent to break things up, and reduce the chance of marring during wiping.

M20 is also a very under rated chemical cleaner wax that can leave an AWESOME finish and is so so easy to put on, and take off.

tom p.
03-24-2009, 05:24 AM
A successful marketer will offer new and notable products on a regular basis. I think they had a little catching up to do, but have now leap-frogged the competition with a couple of their latest winners.

03-24-2009, 05:36 AM
I`d like to try the new 105, I hated the old version but that was with my rotary, now I have a Flex and would give it another shot. I tried Hyperdressing and just wasn`t that sold on it, I can get all my cleaners, dressings and washes cheaper from Majestic Solutions here in Raleigh. I agree with you on M21 2.0, way easy to use, great looks and durabilty ain`t bad. One product that never gets any press is M84, I`ve yet to find a better polish for headlights after wet sanding. And Jordan - I agree with you about MOL, I deleted that link and never looked back.

imported_Detailing Technology
03-24-2009, 05:40 AM
M80 Speed Glaze- This is great final polish (by DA) for those who like to top with a carnauba wax directly after polishing. I have been using this polish quite a bit with my Flex (after not using it for years) and think it is highly under rated on this forum. I understand it has filling potential, but what doesn`t?

Love it. So with this, can Autopia start to move on past the Whole Food`s approach to detailing?

(I dont know if Whole Foods is all over the US yet. Some might know it as "Whole Paycheck", I think my wife spends $400 a week there to feed the two of us "organically"..)

Todd no photo tips?

What do you have me on, the pay no mind list kid? - Joe Pesce / Goodfellas

03-24-2009, 05:41 AM
Yeah, I am not a fan of what I have read on MOL either.

I do like a lot of their products, although there are a few I don`t care for.

03-24-2009, 06:25 AM
I`ve been wanting to try M26 for a while. What would you recommend, the paste or the liquid?

03-24-2009, 06:28 AM
Always been underrated/underappreciated here.

You guys should have seen the whole "lab samle D" debacle.....

The comment on #26 is spot on--I have always said that if it was rebottled in a "boutique" container and cost $125 per ounce, it would be teh uberone!1 wax on internet forums.

03-24-2009, 06:56 AM
Another tip of the hat for Meg`s. I`ve also found their Glass Cleaner Concentrate to be about the best you can get and it`s inexpensive. Their new "Ultimate" line is good, very good in fact, IMO. I recently discovered UQW and think it is an excellent maintenance addition. #105/205 have completely changed how I deal with polishing. I find my Makita is seldom taken out of the box now. Most of the cars I still do (retired last year) only need #205 to bring out a flawless finish and usually with one pass. An amazing step up from the #83/80 pair. #205 is stronger than #83 and finishes up better than #80 usually in one pass.

What I find so remarkable is that Meg`s has, with a very lean and smart group, delivered excellent products and service. No-one else has such a broad array of products for such a wide market segment. Good products, with 100% satisfaction guarantees. Staff on a toll free basis to handle any issues. They have, over many years supported our industry and the car crazy among us through sponsorships, events, and seminars and honestly want us, their customers, to get the most benefit from their products. It is hard to not think of Meguiar`s as this huge megalith of a company but they are a small (115 people, not including 3M) and effective group of very PASSIONATE people.

One product not mentioned that I also absolutely love is the Quik Wheel Detailer. Give it a try and see if you don`t agree.

Great thread Todd.