View Full Version : Beginning of Pollen Season - QD

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03-22-2009, 07:17 PM
Since pollen season is rolling around what do you guys suggest for a quick clean and a way to help keep the pollen off. I know I read that some people use the california duster (I think thats what its called), but are there any good quick details that I can use to wipe some dust/pollen off and keep it off?

03-22-2009, 07:31 PM
Only time I qd now is after a wash for added gloss/slickness. Ill just make it through the week until I get time to ONR it. I just finished washing my car only to take a look at it once I was done dressing the tires and its already covered in pollen. Since its my DD Id rather not risk any marring and in turning polishing more than I should have to.

03-22-2009, 09:18 PM
Only time I qd now is after a wash for added gloss/slickness. Ill just make it through the week until I get time to ONR it. I just finished washing my car only to take a look at it once I was done dressing the tires and its already covered in pollen. Since its my DD Id rather not risk any marring and in turning polishing more than I should have to.

Same here. If I clean the pollen off my car at 9AM (Cali duster, S&W), it`s back on the car in copious amounts by 11AM--just not worth it.

03-22-2009, 10:06 PM
Same here. If I clean the pollen off my car at 9AM (Cali duster, S&W), it`s back on the car in copious amounts by 11AM--just not worth it.

Yep. At work, I park in a parking lot where the pollen just COATS the car w/ pollen in RIDICULOUS amounts. Should start in another month or so and it`ll suck for a month after that.

I`ll cali dust just to get the big stuff off, but it just mars to hell if I only QD.

If I`m careful, a simple hose/dry will do the trick--assumng the car hasn`t been rained on. The wax/QD on the surface leaves it slick enough where it won`t mar anything.

Pollen season is an invevitable, messy PITA, though. :wall

03-22-2009, 10:09 PM
I just wash my car about every 5 days. The pollen falls so fast you can`t keep up with it.

04-12-2009, 05:00 PM
You guys think pollen sucks? Try life on a dirt road. I`ve used Cali Dusters and IMO it doesnt seem to mar unless you get greedy and want to take off a heavy coat of dust. If it`s just a little bit, I`ve never had a problem as long as the wax is less than a couple weeks old. After that, it`s just gotta be washed and waxed anyway.

04-12-2009, 07:02 PM
Hand wash at least once a week in pollen season. I stay away from QD`s except to remove wax or sealant smears on a clean car as you are asking for micro-marring by QDing a dirty car - even if it is just pollen.

Also, forget the California Duster if you don`t want micro-marring. If you have a silver car you may not notice the light scratches a CD causes easily, but on my black car forget it.

04-12-2009, 07:06 PM
I havent tried one on black yet. Good thing I have a motorcycle, the car sits in the garage looking sexy all summer.

04-12-2009, 08:12 PM
I do not use a QD to remove pollen, I wash the car with ONR

04-13-2009, 06:13 AM
What I do is rinse the car down, blow dry it with a leaf blower. Then follow up with ONR in a 2.5 gallon bug sprayer and wipe it down. A quick QD like 425 helps some. I do this every couple days. There is just no way to keep up with it right now.

04-13-2009, 08:26 AM
Is pollen more likely to mar than dust? I will sometimes QD light dust, should I only ONR pollen, heavy or light? I have a Lexus with pretty soft paint.


04-13-2009, 08:46 AM
Is pollen more likely to mar than dust? I will sometimes QD light dust, should I only ONR pollen, heavy or light? I have a Lexus with pretty soft paint.


Probably not, but it would be cool if someone could do the "CD test" with some pollen to see exactly how abrasive it is.

04-13-2009, 09:31 AM
I read polen has little microscopic barbs on it to help it catch onto stuff when it lands. it`s soft on the inside.

Thats Fresh
04-13-2009, 09:46 AM
i just dont drive my car during the month of April :up its crazy here in virginia and its JET BLACK eek!

i either jump in the AW Z4 or my toyota pickup truck (which i just give it a quick wash once a week). no dusters or QD for me during pollen season. seems a waste.

04-13-2009, 03:52 PM
I wouldn`t risk using a QD ... I`d deal with it and wait to do a weekly wash
