View Full Version : Buffing poor clear coat - need help!

03-21-2009, 08:06 PM
I have a detailing business here in Florida and I`ve been seeing an increase in the number of cars with really bad clear coat. My friend owns a shop and he said that a number of car manufacturers have been moving to water based ultra soft paint.

I have been having a serious problem with paint `drift` on Toyota and Nissan products recently. They are using a single stage el cheapo water based paint on all of the lower plastic panels (including the front and rear bumper) and water based multi step paint on the rest of the car. These cars are becoming a real pain in the a$$ to work on. It is like trying a buff and wax a sponge. Everything just absorbs right into the paint and it takes hours to get it back off! I was working on a Camry soft top the other day, and a simple foam buffing pad marred the clear coat. These cars are costing me a lot of money in extra work. The paint process these car makers are using is absolute junk. I`ve never seen this drift across the entire car. The Lexus paint is way better, but still way, way too soft. The clear coat scratches easily and the paint chips all over the place. Interestingly enough, Infiniti paint is actually quite good (still solvent based I guess?).

Any products out there for cars with really bad clear coat? I need something! I`m losing money like crazy on these cars. They take several extra hours to complete.

03-21-2009, 08:17 PM
Welcome Mini1. I use Menzerna`s super intensive Polish and found it works fantastic on almost any car and any paint. I never had a car that gave me as much trouble as you seem to be experiencing.

Can you post some pictures of what you are talking about with the clearcoat?

03-21-2009, 08:30 PM
I don`t think pictures would show the clear coat issue. You would notice a low gloss, but that is it. I think the hot sun and UV rays are making a poor finish even worse. I now dread doing any made-in-America Toyota products, because they all seem to be like this.

03-21-2009, 11:27 PM
I don`t think pictures would show the clear coat issue. You would notice a low gloss, but that is it. I think the hot sun and UV rays are making a poor finish even worse. I now dread doing any made-in-America Toyota products, because they all seem to be like this.

Maybe it is just oxidation??

Can you see small tiny ``holes`` on the CC??

03-22-2009, 05:05 PM
Maybe it is just oxidation??

Can you see small tiny ``holes`` on the CC??

No, it is crappy water based paint that acts like a sponge. I can hardly see any clear coat, that is the problem. Its almost like they just stopped clear coating the cars.