View Full Version : 10" Bonnets & M105 Question

03-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Anyone know where to get 10" bonnets for a decent price? I`ve been picking them up here and there at walmart and similar stores but they always seem to have one or two types. I want to get a Porter Cable but don`t have the money.

Next question (I`m a newbie, so its probably a stupid one) but would I be able to get decent results from 105 on some kind of 10" bonnet? I have a 10" buffer from Sears. I wouldn`t go doing this to my car, but I saw on the boat forum that someone used 105 on their boat. Any input?

(I posted here because I thought I`d get more responses than the marine section)

03-16-2009, 12:04 PM
Honestly, no matter what polish you use, you won;t get good results with that buffer. Those types of buffers are really only good for applying / removing wax.

03-16-2009, 12:37 PM
Thats kind of what I was thinking. Anyone have any input on selecting a PC vs the Meguair`s one, or anything similar? Maybe a link to a comparison sight or another forum or something? Thanks for the help :]

03-16-2009, 12:43 PM
The 10" buffer is probably one of those oscillating ones where it doesn`t rotate at all. Those are only good for applying and removing wax and even than I think its easier by hand

M105 works great by hand. If you want to do it to your entire car, it would of course take a ton of time but its mot impossible. Maybe at every wash just concentrate on one panel, than seal/ wax it and move onto the next panel at the next wash.

As for the pc vs g110, the g110 is a bit more powerful. Not by much though.

Get whichever is cheaper. I have seen a few problems on megsonline about the g110, that`s not to say the pc doesn`t have problems, but I believe you have to send the g110 back to megs. There`s a ton of repair centers for the pc.

I would just go with whichever is cheaper or has the better warranty.