View Full Version : airbrush repair & feathering question for metallic paint

03-12-2009, 09:44 PM
I`m confused about feathering a chip in metallic paint.

In order to feather the paint wouldn`t I have to sand off the clear surrounding the chip? Considering this is metallic, won`t I damage the paint by doing so ? I`ve read that metallic paint is best left un-sanded and clear coated over?

So what is the exact process of feathering a chip in metallic paint and then clear coating to blend into the surrounding area?

03-12-2009, 09:48 PM
like a tiny rock chip?

03-12-2009, 11:34 PM
Yes, maybe 1/2 the size of an eraser.

I originally filled it and clear coated. but a slight outline is still visible.

Is the feathering trick for larger areas?

imported_Detailing Technology
03-13-2009, 05:05 AM
I`d avoid it. Use a brush, you`ll never get the small tip of an air brush to lay metalli like an HVLP gun.

You need to BLEND a perfectly matched metallic (the stuff you buy OTC is a 75% match at best)

First,you need to feather the paint around the chip with 600.

Then prime and sand again with 600

Then blend the metallic basecoat

Then bland the clear

Post blending the clear, you may have some rough edges, lightly sand and polish those
