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View Full Version : wet sanding tips please

03-02-2009, 12:15 PM
I would like to touch up my many stone chips on the front of my Murano and then wet sand them to even things out.

I have never wet sanded before - any tips? For example: what sandpaper to use and how should i use it?


03-02-2009, 12:28 PM
The best wet sanded i ever used its the meguiars one, why? because it uniform and it can get better results. the first thing you have to know its that when you were working be sure the paper its prepare, on this meguiars one they recommends you put the paper a few hours on water, and always when on the work, go on one direction, don`t change the direction too much because it would be very difficult put out the mark. Be sure off the conditions and the paper that you would used, that`s for don`t go too deep on a good paint.

If you can post picture of the car you going to do it will be easier help, if you don`t know the appropriate paper to used.

03-02-2009, 12:35 PM
For touch-ups, I usually will "layer" the touch-up paint in the chip using a toothpick and magnifying glass... several layers until it is just above the paint surface...

Then a use a sanding block and go from 800 to 1000 to 1500 grit.

Check it with the magnifying glass to make sure it`s level.

Don`t go crazy with the sanding. It is possible to go through the clear... then you`re in trouble.

Get out the PC and start with a medium cut, then fine cut, then finishing glaze...

Hope that works out for you...:)

03-02-2009, 12:40 PM
For touch-ups, I usually will "layer" the touch-up paint in the chip using a toothpick and magnifying glass... several layers until it is just above the paint surface...

How long do you wait between layers?

I always wondered, paint and clear are different colors so how can paint blend with clear through wetsanding?

03-02-2009, 01:36 PM
How long do you wait between layers?

I always wondered, paint and clear are different colors so how can paint blend with clear through wetsanding?

It varies greatly with each paint type. Sometimes 15 minutes is enough, usually 30-60, sometimes it takes a few hours (ugh, makes for a long day).

also, for the wetsanding I recommend using 3,000 grit Meguiar`s Unigrit. It is incredibly fine, and much safer than most papers out there. It also won`t leave tracers.

I am able to remove the sanding marks by hand with Meguiar`s Ultimate Compound, which is ROUGHLY a 6/7 on a 12 cut scale.

03-02-2009, 07:01 PM
How long do you wait between layers?

I always wondered, paint and clear are different colors so how can paint blend with clear through wetsanding?

Yeah, I usually wait about 30 minutes between layers. You can actually buy clear touch up. But I`ve never used it.

The important thing to remember is that the chips will still show on close inspection, but from 5 feet away your eye will blend them into the rest of the paint hiding them.

No big globs... just very light layers.

03-02-2009, 07:31 PM
Soak paper for 30 minutes before using.

Use a soft block so you do not get finger marks when sanding.

Only use as course as needed.

I prefer straight lines.

Be careful around edges and peaks. It is easy to break through in these areas.

Use plenty of water/lube.