View Full Version : Detailing Products that can be used for Everyday use?

03-02-2009, 06:44 AM
Haha....:chuckle: thought I`d turn this one around!

Invisible Glass... I use it everywhere in the house!!! Mostly bathroom.

Z6... Nice for a little daily toilet "QD`ing". Smells good.

Automotive Carpet Brush...Used on carpeted steps to get the dirt out of the cracks....

Anyone else?:idea

03-02-2009, 07:28 AM
Tarminator...used it for removing gum that was stuck to my shoe and then stuck to our hardwood floor. I used it on the floor and it worked well. I also used it to remove mold spores from the siding of our house which was caused by mulch (before investing in the rubber mulch, which is a very nice product by the way)

Isopropyl Alcohol...used for cleaning out a scrape/cut.

Pressure Washer...for cleaning porch/deck railings

Hair shampoo....used for washing hair, but I also use it for cleaning buffing pads.

Carpet Brushes...used for cleaning up any small spills/stains/dirt, etc tracked into the house from us or the dog

Metal Polish...have used it for cleaning tarnished silverware (just be sure to wash real well afterwards...lol)

Thats all I can think of right now

03-02-2009, 10:23 AM
Super durable wax for waxing the bathtub. No more soapscum and less cleaning. Without wax, I had to clean the bathtub every week or two. With a hard wax like Meguiars #16, I`m on week 3 and going on strong for week 4 without needing to clean it.

However its a waste of good wax but I save on time for more time with the car ;)

03-02-2009, 10:25 AM

03-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Super durable wax for waxing the bathtub. No more soapscum and less cleaning. Without wax, I had to clean the bathtub every week or two. With a hard wax like Meguiars #16, I`m on week 3 and going on strong for week 4 without needing to clean it.

However its a waste of good wax but I save on time for more time with the car ;)

Hmm interesting. So Optiseal would be a bad idea for bathtubs. So slick, you would slip and fall all the time. :nervous2: