View Full Version : M105/m205

imported_User Name
02-24-2009, 09:27 AM
I keep reading more and more about this combination and it seems like they are almost universally getting raves. A few haven`t been that big on them, but the general consensus is that these two products have "changed the game" so to speak.

I`ve used M105 and I loved it, but never M205 so I cannot comment but wanted to get opinions.

Is this combination from a single company the best out there right now?

I`m not talking in absolute terms (because I`m sure there is a lot of mixing and matching that still goes on), but if I said you could only pick two polishes for all of your jobs for all eternity, would these two be your picks?

I`ve have typically been an M80, M83 user but plan to make the switch.

Has Meguiars stomped the competition with this combination?

(No flaming please, just want to know what you think the best two step polishing combo is).

02-24-2009, 09:47 AM
sip and 106fa has to be mentioned somewhere

02-24-2009, 10:10 AM
I think it`s a great combination and it probably is the best out there right now. The only question I have is should 105 always be the go-to product? It`s a very aggressive compound, much more so than M83. So there might be a less aggressive option that could be combined with 205 for details that don`t require heavy compounding first.

02-24-2009, 10:22 AM
I think M205 will be a huge hit as time goes on.


M205 has the ability to remove severe defects when combined with the right pad and the rotary. Or, you can switch to the DA and remove some extremely fine defects. Once again, the non-diminishing abrasives win here. It`s rated a four on the Meguiar`s scale, but I have found it much more capable than M83.

But, the most impressive thing about it is the gloss and clarity. The finish after M205 is on a whole new level - much better than M80, PO106FA, and PO87MC.

If you are having trouble with the paint (micromarring), I suggest you use M205 and a finishing pad on the DA. I found that using a low speed (2.5) will help remove the micromarring and bring the finish up to par.

02-24-2009, 10:27 AM
I think it`s a great combination and it probably is the best out there right now. The only question I have is should 105 always be the go-to product? It`s a very aggressive compound, much more so than M83. So there might be a less aggressive option that could be combined with 205 for details that don`t require heavy compounding first.

sure use Meg`s Ultimate Compound

MUC is rated a 6 also but should have

more cut then 83

here is a link of how there new products are rated:

Aggressiveness Order for New Consumer Products - This will surprise you! - Car Care Forums: Meguiar`s Online (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28407)

imported_User Name
02-24-2009, 10:36 AM
I think M205 will be a huge hit as time goes on.


M205 has the ability to remove severe defects when combined with the right pad and the rotary. Or, you can switch to the DA and remove some extremely fine defects. Once again, the non-diminishing abrasives win here. It`s rated a four on the Meguiar`s scale, but I have found it much more capable than M83.

But, the most impressive thing about it is the gloss and clarity. The finish after M205 is on a whole new level - much better than M80, PO106FA, and PO87MC.

If you are having trouble with the paint (micromarring), I suggest you use M205 and a finishing pad on the DA. I found that using a low speed (2.5) will help remove the micromarring and bring the finish up to par.


This seems to be the consensus. Seems that they really hit the mark with M105/M205. I can`t wait until I get my M205!

02-24-2009, 11:30 AM
Porscheguy997 has got it exactly right, you have a soft clear that last step will do it everytime.

02-24-2009, 12:49 PM
If you had to pick just 2 products to be able to do regular full paint corrections (ie normal, abused cars), I think that is the best combo out there.

It`s absurdly versatile, and both products transcend conventional logic...saving time, and making you money.

Did I mention M205 is so awesome to use you will want to use it every single time, regardless of whether or not M105 finished out LSP ready or not? :)

imported_User Name
02-24-2009, 01:48 PM
Do you think M205 finishes out better than M80?

02-24-2009, 02:17 PM
I have both (DA user) Bottles are mostly still full as I`ve only experiemented a little. Cleared up some headlight haze and tested out my new PFW with 105.

Only used 205 once and I immediately liked the way it was working. My technique over the past year has been so stuck with what works on my other polishes that I haven`t adapted any special technique for the 105/205 combo. I want to figure it out.

02-24-2009, 07:07 PM
For me, M205 finishes out better than M80 (by a fairly large margin).

I recently did a white car and could tell the difference between M205 and M80.

imported_User Name
02-24-2009, 10:24 PM
Nice to read. Can`t wait to try it.