View Full Version : 7424 vs 7336

02-21-2009, 03:46 PM
I have a PC 7336 and I have been reading posts about the 7424 and using 105 and 205, I did a search on the 7336 and the only thing I came up with is that they are basically the same machine with different weights and backing plates.

I did not find anything in searching this forum discussing the differences in the weights and backing plates. Should I change to the 7424? Stay with what I have and as I gain experience purchase a new machine. My work will mostly on my own vehicles and maybe friends.

Thanks in advance.

02-21-2009, 03:51 PM
there should be a ton of topics on this but they are prob a little old and hard to get to so I will be nice:werd:

they are the same!

the Counter weights are different but they are sized for a peice of sandpaper so

IMO they is no difference

02-21-2009, 07:26 PM
Yes, they are the same. I have the 7424, my friend has the 7336, they are exactly the same machine.

02-21-2009, 08:36 PM
I have the 7336 which comes with a slightly heavier counterweight for the 6 inch backing plate. Many online suppliers will sell both counterweights (really reasonably) for those who want to switch weights and plates. I`ve never bothered and don`t find the torque of the heavier weight with the smaller backing plate to be uncontrollable or uncomfortable.

-John C.

02-21-2009, 08:38 PM
The counterweights are different. Don`t remember which is heavier but when I got my 7336, not knowing the difference between it and the 7424, I called Porter Cable to ask. They explained the difference and after a few minutes of conversation, they offered to send me a couple of the 7424`s weights. I`ve never used them, though...can`t even remember where I put them. I believe one unit is sold as a sander and the other as a polisher.


02-21-2009, 08:44 PM
Thanks for all the info.