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02-21-2009, 09:14 AM
has anyone had any experience with layering collinite over meg`s #7? i layered it over klasse AIO like a month ago and the beading has already lessened a good bit, not beading much at all below the belt line... since i heard its durability was so good, im gna try it again over sumthing else, or nothing if thats what everyone on here thinks... bonding issues with number 7 and collinite 476.

Setec Astronomy
02-21-2009, 09:31 AM
I don`t understand what you`re saying...that the durability of #7 is good? #7 is a glaze, it will last for a few days if you don`t put a wax over the top of it.

02-21-2009, 09:58 AM
im asking if i apply the #7 first, will i run into any bonding issues with collinite 476 being put over top of it... im asking if anyone has tried this before and if the collinite stuck to the #7 or not.. i just put collinite over klasse aio like a month ago n its gone on the sides where salt hits (i wash it off like every 2 days)...

02-21-2009, 10:00 AM
I do not understand why you are having issues. I had 845 on my truck for 6 plus months and its still going strong. I use p21S paint prep before the 845 or sometimnes I just clay and use 845. I would ask, what are you washing with? Dawn and other dish soaps will strip wax. i had a friend who was qwashing with dish soap and could not fuigure out what his car wax did not last.

Colonite is bukllet proof. I doubt its the glaze but try 1 pannnel without it.

02-21-2009, 10:01 AM
basically im asking, everyone preeches of 476`s durability, so im sure it has to last more than a month, and it porbable just didnt stick well to the AIO.. will the same thing happen with number 7? or should i just put collinite on on its own?

02-21-2009, 10:03 AM
my mistake was using klasse aio under the collinite i guess... i was told that would be fine in a previous post, but i guess not . ill just put it on its own, accept for mabye one pannel for comparison purposes.. thanks for the quick responses...

btw im not washing with dish soap.. ive been detailing 3-4 years, im not a `noob" im just asking if anyone has had experisnce with this combo or not... thats all...

Setec Astronomy
02-21-2009, 10:16 AM
AIO should make a fine base for Collinite or any other wax.

02-21-2009, 03:13 PM
jDizzle- Sorry, never tried #7 before the Collinite, but I wouldn`t *EXPECT* it to be any different from using #7 under a Meguiar`s wax. I`d be less concerned with the durability and more concerned with streaking/"pseudo holograms" and/or other basic compatability issues. But if the durability *were* less than stellar that wouldn`t surprise me either...#7 is one oily product for anything to stick to. I`d expect anything to last longer over KAIO than over #7.

The KAIO should`ve been a fine base for the Collinite (and I`d sure expect it to last at *least* as long as over #7 and probably a good bit longer).

I`d try the #7 if you want to...do a panel and then inspect in sunlight; if there`s a problem it oughta be readily apparent. But IMO there`s no reason to expect improved durability.

But IME using some less-than-durable product under Collinite does *NOT* have a significant effect on the Collinite`s durability. I have 1Z WaxPolishSoft under my Collinite and the 1Z WPS is one *VERY* short-lived product, yet my Collinite is holding up just fine. No, I don`t have a good explanation...I`m satisfied that my results are satisfactory.

Washing *EVERY TWO DAYS" is just *so* frequent that I can`t help but wonder if anything will last long. I sure hope you`re using some LSP-friendly shampoo, that`s an incredible amount of washing IMO.

But since the problem is only on the sides, I`d guess that it`s a combination of the environmental abuse (i.e. winter conditions), insufficient layers of Collinite, and excessive washing all combining to strip the wax.

02-21-2009, 03:21 PM
my mistake was using klasse aio under the collinite i guess...

KAIO is a great base and I don`t think that is your problem

there is not way that a oil based glaze will make you LSP last longer

but it should look better

IMO try the KAIO again with a few very light coats of 476

then actually measure you wash soap...it sound like you are using too much

02-21-2009, 10:12 PM
i drive about 90 miles every day (monday through thursday anyway) going to and from college..(45 miles each way).. and the salt is applied HEAVY at times... i wash it and by the time i get to school, about 45 miles away, most at about 65 mph, my car looks like a salt lick... salt wasnt too bad this past week though.. i washed every 2 days because i couldnt stand seeing the salt on there lol.. and yes, im using a good soap... pinnacle shampoo, or megs deep crystal wash.. i use a lot when i use the meguiars because its cheap i guess.. i never knew using too much soap was bad for it, i thought as long as it wasnt a heavy detergent like dish soap it was fine, so thanks for that info..

i stripped everything with pinnacle paintwork cleansing lotion and then applied a fresh thin coat of collinite 476s today btw ... looks good :-)

02-21-2009, 10:34 PM
Perhaps we should also note that a loss of beading does not necessarily signify a loss of wax protection. It only means that the surface tension that created the beading has changed. It seems likely that this has happened because of the harsh winter conditions the vehicle is having to endure on a regular basis.

If you are looking for a new car wash, give DuraGloss 901 a try.

Also you might consider spraying your car with a good sealant immediately after each wash--e.g., Finish Kare 425 or Megs` Ultimate Quick Detailer. They might help to prolong the protection or your wax. Or you might supplement your wax with a liquid spray-on wax--e.g., DG AquaWax, Optimum Spray Wax, or Ultimate Quik Wax. During the winter months our cars need all the help they can get. :)

imported_User Name
02-21-2009, 11:14 PM

My "go to" products right now are NXT 2.0, 476s and 845. I`ve used 476s with and without M07 and it has had NO impact on the longevity of 476s, which I find is grossly exaggerated (at least in my use).

On my driveway parked daily driver, there is NO WAY I get more than 10 weeks. On my rarely driven, garage parked car is was perfect after almost 4 months... oh and one other thing I keep forgetting to mention...

Back in November (while still living in NJ) I did my IS with 476s and a friends white civic with NXT 2.0 (a day a part). Because I was moving, I had moved the IS into the driveway and right around that time it rained pretty good and leaves covered my car. Not really thinking much about it, I waited for the weather to improve and I went out to "pluck" the leaves off the IS. What did I see? The car had little brown stains all over. I quickly washed the car and I could not get them out.

I then turned to M80 and removed them (quite easily) but I was puzzled by how easy the leaves stained my car. Went over the my friends house (about 5 doors down), plucked his leaves and no stains. Is it the paint? Is it the protection? Was my car exposed to more leaves? I don`t know, but I do know what I saw.

I like 476s, I like 845 better but in my experience (like you) I get NO WHERE near the durability like I`ve read from others.

02-22-2009, 12:26 PM
i drive about 90 miles every day (monday through thursday anyway) going to and from college..(45 miles each way).. and the salt is applied HEAVY at times... i wash it and by the time i get to school, about 45 miles away, most at about 65 mph, my car looks like a salt lick... i washed every 2 days because i couldnt stand seeing the salt on there lol.. and yes, im using a good soap... pinnacle shampoo, or megs deep crystal wash..

Aha! Might`ve spotted the culprit(s) :D

I can sorta understand the frequency of your washing, given your situation. I did that sort of thing when I used a Porsche as a year-round commuter car...seemed like I washed it every time I drove to the U.

To be honest though...these days I let `em get pretty nasty before I wash `em :o

But I bet you`re not gonna do that, huh? Since you`er gonna keep washing all the time :D I`d suggest:

Change the shampoo(s). That Deep Crystal stuff is seriously lacking in lubricity and encapsulation, *NOT* money well-spend IMO even at its low cost. Using it in strong concentrations could very well impact your LSP`s durability too.

The Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo is funny stuff...yeah it has great lubricity and encapsulation, and it cleans really well. But, much to my surprise, it was always very harsh on my LSP, and I do mean *VERY*, so much so that I quit using it for that reason (still have at least a gallon sitting here). Note that it used to be the *only* shampoo I`d use, I liked it that well...just couldn`t deal with rewaxing all the time.

I`d switch to Griot`s Car Wash (my fave but pricey), or DuraGloss or Optimum (their regular shampoo, not the ONR stuff). People whose opinions I respect say the latter two are about as good as the Griot`s and they`re sure a lot cheaper. I used to use Meguiar`s #62 (after the Pinnacle and before trying Griot`s) and it`s not bad either (not too pricey in gallons from the local autobody/paint supply store).

02-22-2009, 12:33 PM
User Name- With the last application of Collinte having gone on my GMC many, many months ago, and with the tough winter we`re having around here, it`s still slick and beading (kinda surprises me, wonder how long it`ll last). A good hard rain will still pretty much wash it clean.

Just *so* different from your experiences that it just goes to show how that YMMV thing really does apply. You can only say how something will work for *you* after *you* try it; the experiences of others don`t always mean much.

The staining from trees/leaves *can* be a real PIA, huh? I`ve had that happen with every LSP under the sun...sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn`t :nixweiss Wonder if the NXT just happens to be especially suited to protecting against that particular situation or maybe his trees are just a little different from yours :think:

02-22-2009, 03:50 PM
Collinite that is what I have used for winter for years. 1 coat 845 wait an hour 1 coat 476 once a month touch up with OCW. Got me from oct. to now on my work truck. Sits outside 24/7 365 days a year still working great.:woot2: