View Full Version : few questions. Just got back here!!

02-15-2009, 01:49 PM
OK.. I used to be a member here 4 years ago and I ended up purchasing a porter cable 7424, meguairs DACP, KLASSE twins the old formula, s100 with also the polish. Also bought a whole bunch of microfiber towels from some website that was recommended here.

I still have some of the products left but its almost done and Im needing new products. What is good out there for black and silver cars? I liked the s100 but it left my car dusty really quick and didnt like it.

I did a wash, clay, buff/polish with dacp 2 times, klasse AIO, SG 3-4 coats and then top it off with s100. The finish was amazing.

Im looking for something that doesnt attract dust and maybe has more of a deeper/glossier tone. I`m seeing these new products like SIG that has a better cut then DACP.

Let me know what is good out there and what pads etc. What are you guys using?


02-15-2009, 02:32 PM
InfamousGSR- Welcome back!

The first thing that comes to mind is that using a finer finishing polish after the DACP oughta bring up the gloss quite a bit, at least if you`re not using a rotary (and using it very, very well). I do a *much* milder final polish before I use something like the Klasse twins, and even after things seem "perfect, some additional jeweling/burnishing can add a lot too. #83 doesn`t leave things nearly ready-to-wax IMO.

The current hot polishes are probably M105 and M205 from Meguiar`s. I haven`t tried the 205, but *man* is M105 good stuff when doing serious correction.

02-15-2009, 03:14 PM
So are you recommending using the M105 with the porter cable 7424? What pad should I buy? Then I can use the 205 after the 105 with another pad. Let me know what is recommended. I heard that klasse isnt that great anymore because they changed the formula. Its also a pain to apply but if its still the best out there I dont mind using it still. Im just wondering if there is something else that is easier to apply and lasts just as long. Also Im looking for products that dont attract dust like the s100 did.

02-15-2009, 04:17 PM
So I should buy the 32 oz m105 and the 32oz m205. What about pads? I usually order from classic motors accesories (CMA). I heard klasse is a different formula now? Is there something else out there like klasse that lasts long and has a better deeper/glossier tone to it? The reason why Im asking is that klasse takes awhile to do but I dont mind doing it but would prefer a 1 step. Also looking for something that doesnt attract dust like s100 wax.