View Full Version : Help A Military Member Out For A BMW Detailing Plan Of Attack!

02-13-2009, 11:20 PM
Hello everyone.....

I`m done with the first phase of flight school in the Navy and now have a little time to detail the M.

I`m a long time lurker on these forums and was wondering if you can help me create a plan to tackle my 06 Carbon black M? Carbon black is a dark blue metallic paint. I`m thinking about buying a bunch of new products to try out.... I use to polish with PBs SSR 2.0 and 1.0 and optimumim but I didn`t really like those. I was thinking about getting some Menzerna polish. Since I`ve been out of the loop for a while, I`m not sure which ones to get. My car has light to light/moderate swirls, so it isn`t bad.... I also need new pads but not sure what to get. I used optiseal and nattys blue for my sealant and lsp but I also want to try soemthing else.... I was thinking about going with jetseal but not sure about the LSP (looking for someting around 30-40 bucks). Any info and tips would be greatly appreciate. I promise I will update with pics...

BTW I use a PC

02-14-2009, 07:42 AM
I`ll take a stab at this one. As a former US Marine I have nothing but love for US Navy Officers (well the Aviators away). We call and they come in and expend massive ordnance on target saving our sweet butts. Now the Navy Officers on the ships I was on never seemed to have much use for Grunts, always being mean and nasty.

Although I`m a Rotary Polisher man myself, I have and own a PC and have seen here and on some other sites some amazing work being done with them. They have their limit on the upper end as to what kind of corrections they can do but a PC should suffice for what your describing.

Menzerna or Optimum products have a long work time and as such lend themselves very well to using a PC.

I have a `05 Black Audi A4 UltraSport and can tell you something everyone round these parts knows, Black is a b**ch of a color to keep up. Everything shows.

I use a Orange Pad on a PC and get very good results with Optimum Polish. You have to work it for a while and lean into the PC to get the material to breakdown. Look through the polish as your working it on a panel and you should see the heavier swirls and scratches start to disappear. I move the machine in a fore-aft, port-starboard, then on diagonally over the panel but that`s a habit I picked up from using a Rotary Machine.

Sealants will last longer once applied esp. in hot climates than Carnuba waxes. I use the latter but I`m sure others will chime in with some good recommendations.

Good Luck both with your training and the car.


02-14-2009, 10:05 AM
I`ll take a stab at this one. As a former US Marine I have nothing but love for US Navy Officers (well the Aviators away). We call and they come in and expend massive ordnance on target saving our sweet butts. Now the Navy Officers on the ships I was on never seemed to have much use for Grunts, always being mean and nasty.

Although I`m a Rotary Polisher man myself, I have and own a PC and have seen here and on some other sites some amazing work being done with them. They have their limit on the upper end as to what kind of corrections they can do but a PC should suffice for what your describing.

Menzerna or Optimum products have a long work time and as such lend themselves very well to using a PC.

I have a `05 Black Audi A4 UltraSport and can tell you something everyone round these parts knows, Black is a b**ch of a color to keep up. Everything shows.

I use a Orange Pad on a PC and get very good results with Optimum Polish. You have to work it for a while and lean into the PC to get the material to breakdown. Look through the polish as your working it on a panel and you should see the heavier swirls and scratches start to disappear. I move the machine in a fore-aft, port-starboard, then on diagonally over the panel but that`s a habit I picked up from using a Rotary Machine.

Sealants will last longer once applied esp. in hot climates than Carnuba waxes. I use the latter but I`m sure others will chime in with some good recommendations.

Good Luck both with your training and the car.


Thanks devil dog! I hope I get super hornets so I can actually support you guys on the ground.... I loved how you used port, aft, and starboard :woot: Thanks for the tips.... I think my problem before was not breaking down the polish long enough.... What are some other tale signs of the polish being broken down?

02-14-2009, 12:40 PM
They beat those terms, along with many others into your head that it becomes so second nature one will still use the terms even after getting out. I mean who else would know what a Bulkhead is?

When you first apply the product it will have the consistency of how it was in the bottle of course, but as you work it the color will change to sorta clear (this providing your not using too much then it will take forever esp with a PC). That`s the first indication the product is "broken down" and doing it`s stuff.

If you continue polishing too far after the product is all the way "broken down" you will start to get dusting which means now your dry polishing which will leave more marring (like swirls).

I guess what I`m saying is you want to work the polish till it`s broken down (cause that`s when it`s effective) and then slightly past that but not to the point of dusting (cause now it`s no longer effective and in fact detrimental).

Some polished will break down with the heat generated from the machine (when used with a Rotary) but since a PC doesn`t generate that kind of heat those polishes will take forever to work. That`s why it`s important to choose one that can be used with both types of machines or at least a PC/Orbital if that`s what one is using.

Another thing is to use less material as the pad loads up. Take Optimum Polish for instance. It was a long work time and doesn`t dry so quickly either on the Pad or on the panel.

So after the first time you load the pad, you don`t need to put as much on for subsequent passes. The polish in the pad has already started to break down as opposed to any fresh stuff from the bottle so it`ll make subsequent work go faster.

02-15-2009, 01:12 PM
Appreciate it :heelclick

Its pretty sad to see that there are 151 views and only one person replied. I guess there is no love for the military members... So much for people helping out other autopians.....

Frito Bandito
02-15-2009, 01:49 PM
Are you serious? What does being in the military have to do with anything? I don`t start threads asking everyone to help a police officer out...........

Anyway, you could always try Menzerna SIP and 106ff using Lake County orange and white pads respectively. Optimum has new versions of their polish and compound but I haven`t used them so I can`t recommend them. You could also try Meguiars M105 and M205 using the same pads.

As far as the LSP goes try searching a little. Some people have been disapointed with Jetseal so I would read up on it before spending $40.

02-15-2009, 03:15 PM
Not a problem, like I said glad to be of some assistance. I`m on so many boards for so many interests it`s hard to keep up.

One thing is a constant though is you`ll always see the same questions being asked over and over again by folks just stopping in for the first time.

Certainly there isn`t anything wrong with that, I mean what`s the purpose of any board but to share information?

However people (including me) will at times get tired of saying (typing) the same answer over and over again for the same questions. I mean think about it. If you were to eat lunch at the same outdoor cafe every day and each and every day someone new came by and asked you the same question wouldn`t you start to look for another place to eat?

I`m not justifying anything but do want you to not take it personal. I stepped up for the reason I stated but fact of the matter I always help any member or former member of the Armed Forces out as long (as they aren`t being a sh*tbag).

There`s a common bond that unless one served there isn`t a way to explain it.

Again Good Luck with your training and always remember to maintain a high state of Situation Awareness :)

02-16-2009, 08:50 AM
Are you serious? What does being in the military have to do with anything? I don`t start threads asking everyone to help a police officer out...........

I have to agree. I`m a military member myself, but I don`t start my posts with

"Help an Air Force officer!" It`s totally irrelevant. Are you trying to impress us?

Morbid`s polishing advice is very sound. Your idea of using JetSeal is a good one. I would suggest Collinite Insulator Wax for an LSP. It is easy to apply, long lasting (for a wax), and inexpensive.