View Full Version : Can you help me figure out how to clean this?

02-07-2009, 06:18 PM
Ok, I bought this 2006 Xterra with about 38k miles on the clock a couple months ago. It wasn`t until it was really sunny out that I noticed this white "flim" that is hard to capture in photos (I tried anyhow as you will see below), almost looks like a dried wax and behaves like it as well...

For example, this stuff seems to have discolored most of my dash board but it can be seen on other surfaces as well, especially around the cracks, etc. When I scrub the stuff on the cracks, where it is more built up and not just a discoloration, it crumbles/flakes like a buildup of wax.

That being said I have this on my seat, which almost clearly is paint:


I can`t get that off the seat either but I was thinking, maybe this is paint then. But to be honest it would almost have to be like a paint can exploded in the front, because it`s in the cracks all along the window where the rubber meets the plastic (see below)...as you see in the pic below, but I was actually able to use a rough bristle brush and get that off.


Below is a picture right under the center console controls, my finger is pulling the plastic back so you can see into the crevice, there is that white stuff flaked up again (if I had something sharp, like a dental pick, I could scrape it off):


Here are two pictures, the first is next to the cup holders on the passenger side, you can sort of see the drip, the second picture is on the plastic side backing of the passenger seat.



Here is a picture of this piece under the center console/radio, you can kind of see where it is discolored when the sun hits it:


This last picture is an overall so you can kinda see how it discolors my dash.

My first thought was this was previously a work truck that they hauled paint in. And while that might be the case, unless you have seen this before and can verify this behaves like spilled paint, I just don`t think that`s what it is. Paint I have seen will come off almost in chunks, this crumbles like wax or something else.


Is there anything I can use that is super strong (I have tried basic interior cleaners, goo gone type products, etc) that won`t damage the plastic but will take any foreign substance off?

02-07-2009, 06:46 PM
try a magic eraser? that may help - especially tru on places like plastic trim. once scrubbed a little with that, i`d try an APC to help clean it better. then try a back-to-black / VRP / name-your-fav-trim-product to dress it and give it a darker uniform color

02-07-2009, 06:50 PM
spray it down with an apc diluted about 4:1, then scrub with a white scotch brite and wipe off with a wet cloth. Should take it off no problem.

Barry Theal
02-07-2009, 07:00 PM
Matt that appears to me that who ever prevoiusly cleaned this car used a degreaser with a very high ph level. usally these chemicals contain a very high alkaline level. what your seeing is kinda like an acid build up around battery terminals ill bet iif you check in the door jambs there area white specs everywhere in spots. ill bet you a lot of you plastic is white. kinda like if you have leather shoes or boots that get wet! and when it dries there is that white residue line! whats causes this is an inproper dilution. most of these new car dealers use very cheap highly caustic degreasers, so when whoever clean these interiors they use the stuff straight. it works faster then as they blow with a blow gun they leave a little surface damp and it drys like this. see that why you see a real shiny interior. like a armoral effect! the dressing hides all that. but doesn`t eliminate it. in there world its get the car clean and out the door. its not a proper detail and your a victem of this. one way i found to clean this is get an aerosal can of window cleaner with amonia. if it says safe for tinted windows you don`t want it. get a brand with amonia in it. spray it on your vinyl and let it sit a minute. let the foam do the work then wipe dry. use a compressor to blow out that cracks if you have one! good luck if i can help some more call me ill walk you threw it!

02-07-2009, 07:07 PM
Someone also recommended this to me:

Amazon.com: 303 Protectant - 32 oz. Bottle w/Spray: Sports & Outdoors (http://www.amazon.com/303-Protectant-oz-Bottle-Spray/dp/B000GDB0J6/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/184-2669465-5158359?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1234056308&sr=8-1)

What do you think about that?

Buffer when you say a window cleaner, you mean like windex or something like magic glass (only with amonia)?

Barry Theal
02-07-2009, 07:19 PM
303 isn`t a cleaner its a protectent! here is a link of what im talking about

While we find your parts, please enter your ZIP Code at PartsAmerica.com (http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/ProductDetail.aspx?MfrCode=HIH&MfrPartNumber=91164&CategoryCode=3312W)

here is stoners! this should do it it leaves no residue. your objective should be to clean it not cover it 303 will temporary hide it but it will resurface in a month or so! clean it first then protect it. 303 is a great product!

02-07-2009, 07:23 PM
Barry, thank you so much! But I already have invisible glass! If you read the back it says it`s safe for tinted windows!

It says on the back:

"SAFE to use on OEM and most after-market TINTED windows when used as directed. Always test on non-glass surfaces before using. Not recommended for use on polycarbonate plastic."

Barry Theal
02-07-2009, 08:47 PM
matt that was an example of the aerosol type of cleaner. go to your local store and do some searching for one with amonia! trust me on this~!

02-08-2009, 01:25 PM
I trust you I`m going to look around today.

02-08-2009, 02:56 PM
Ok I just drove from store to store, no aerosol glass cleaner with ammonia here in town. I picked up some Windex with Ammonia but it`s a spray bottle. Will that still work?