View Full Version : Using Sealants and Wax Together

02-07-2009, 06:04 PM
Recently I read about how you should only put wax on top of sealant, and not the other way around due to sealant bonding issues. I have a few questions.

1- Let say a sealant last 5 months and a wax last 3 months. If I top a sealant with wax, will it be

a - wax wears in 3 months, then sealant wears in the next 5 months

b - they will both wear at the same time.

2- If I "wax" a car, will spray sealants have a problem bonding?

02-07-2009, 06:09 PM
I`ve never noticed any advantage to topping a sealant with wax. None. Nada. Zip. It`s a gimmick. It doesn`t look any better. Try Jet Seal from Chemical Guys. It`s a sealant that looks like a wax.

02-07-2009, 06:13 PM
1. The wax will go first, but the sealant won`t last the 5 months.

2. Depends on the wax and how long before you apply the sealant. If you use DWG (Danase Wet Glaze) over the wax, the sealant should not have any bonding issues with the DWG.

02-07-2009, 06:39 PM
IMHO - no sealant looks like a wax. that`s not to say they don`t look good though. there are plenty of folks that don`t use wax because they like the look an durability of sealants better.

and no - u won`t get "compound durability" by topping the sealant with wax. don`t forget that UV rays play a major factor in how long paint protection lasts

02-07-2009, 07:47 PM
If wax is added over a sealant, is it practical to re-wax w/out removing the sealant, or are you stuck with the durability of the least durable product?

02-08-2009, 12:29 PM
IME you sometimes *do* see an improvement in looks, at least if you prefer the wax-look over the sealant-look. Not worth it to me, but that`s just me.

IME#2 you do get a degree of "compound durability" (at least if there are a few coats of sealant) but you also get "deal wax artifacts" after the wax is shot, and that can be an issue.

IME#3, yeah, you can redo the wax in most cases, just don`t wait too long. If the dead wax artifacts are really nasty your results might not be all that swell. You can clay *very gently* with something like Sonus green and probably strip off those artifacts without compromising the sealant (at least not too much, *if* there are numerous layers of sealant on there).

IME#4, some sealants, *IF LAYERED* can last a *lot* longer than five-six months, but YMMV depending on your conditions. For that matter, I often get that kind of durability out of Collinite wax too (but that`s in *my* conditions).

02-09-2009, 11:38 AM
1. The wax will go first, but the sealant won`t last the 5 months.

2. Depends on the wax and how long before you apply the sealant. If you use DWG (Danase Wet Glaze) over the wax, the sealant should not have any bonding issues with the DWG.

Do you think it would be ok to use Z6 over 845?

02-09-2009, 01:11 PM
Do you think it would be ok to use Z6 over 845?

Why not, if the 845 is cured. Even Z8 would help.