View Full Version : Towels

01-29-2009, 09:15 PM
I picked up a large sized "drying cloth" from CT. It said to wash it before use which I did (it was very soapy right out of the package). I looked at it and its got like a thin piece of white foam in the middle but it`s still quite soft to teh touch. Not too absorbent (it smeared water on my car). What can I use this $6 cloth for seeing as I don`t think it would make a good drying cloth as its not too absorbent.

I also found a blue GM Canada ultra-absorbent cloth which was in a sealed package tube. IT was slightly moist out of the package (about three years old) but when it dried it was very stiff/hard. I`ve seen this with a swimmer`s towel I once found. Is this something I could use to detail my car? The fact that it is hard makes me wonder what use it has. When it`s moist it`s good but once its totally dry its too hard.

Anyone know what these 2 things can be used for?

01-29-2009, 09:24 PM
Cleaning wheels, engine bay, interior, etc.

Setec Astronomy
01-29-2009, 09:49 PM
That thing that got hard when it was dry...that`s one of them...er...I forget what kind of sponge rubber that is made out of...and you have to keep it damp to keep it soft, that`s why it was damp in the tube. You shammy the car with it and wring it out. Some people here swear by those "Absorber" products but most shun them.

01-29-2009, 09:54 PM
the blue gm canada sounds exactly like the absorber. The absorber is really good at picking up a lot of water and not leaving any behind. The only problem is it doesnt leave much room for error. Theres absolutely no place for possible missed contaminants to go except across the paint which will create marring. When used to blot it does an excellent job also. When its dry it does get stiff but just wet it and its soft again. I dont know for sure if this is what it is but i got a good feeling about it.

01-30-2009, 10:39 AM
..the blue gm canada sounds exactly like the absorber. The absorber is really good at picking up a lot of water and not leaving any behind..

Differing experience here- I find that *all* my chamois/Absorber/etc. products leave a tiny bit of water behind, requiring a follow-up with something else. That`s not intended as a slam at such products as I do still find uses for them.

Oh, and when something doesn`t work well for me in a detailing context, I often relegate it to household use.

01-30-2009, 11:31 AM
Oh, and when something doesn`t work well for me in a detailing context, I often relegate it to household use.

Honey, look what I got for you! :D

01-30-2009, 11:40 AM
blk45- Heh heh, more like what I got for myself! I seem to do the majority of household, uhm...detailing too ;)