View Full Version : New to Autopia!

01-28-2009, 06:07 PM
Greetings from AZ,

This is my first day on Autopia and have already gained oodles of knowledge.

Currently I use a PC 7424. I`m a fan of Menzerna and Blackfire, just bought Klasse SG for a try. I`m still experimenting with polish/pad combos and discovering the capabilities. I am thinking of making the switch to a circular polisher.

I`ll read and learn and go from there. I`m enjoying your postings so far.



01-28-2009, 06:29 PM
Me again!

I guess I could tell a quick story. In `05 I bought an `01 VW Golf. It had an oxidized hood and several bike pedal/handle bar marks made by the previous owner`s kids. I started researching paint restoration and ended up with a few products made by Menzerna. Back then I was polishing by hand so it was a bit of a process. However, I was able to bring the Reflex Sliver Golf to a point that when I sold it in `07, my neighbor asked why I sold my new car. When I said the car was 6 years old he said, "you fooled me". That is when I became hooked and demanded my car be clean and shinny all the time. I love it when folks get in and ask, "did you just come from a car wash?" I shudder and laugh......

My new VW is white so it is a challenge for me to keep the paint marrying free, but the thing is shinny as the day I bought it. As my polisher skills increase, the swirls will be gone as they were on the silver Golf.

Good Times!



01-28-2009, 06:36 PM
:welcome !

01-28-2009, 06:56 PM
:welcome aboard.

Setec Astronomy
01-28-2009, 08:39 PM
Yes, :welcome !