View Full Version : Why does no one post here anymore?

01-19-2009, 08:16 PM
THis forum used to have a lot of activity, what happened?

01-19-2009, 08:26 PM
well for where I am it winter, I hate snow, slush, and temps under 50, not much in the mood to detail when you have 2` of snow that will not go away.

Setec Astronomy
01-19-2009, 08:54 PM
I think the problem is if you come directly to individual forums the default seems to only show threads active in the last day. If you change the settings you can see there is plenty of activity in this forum. Dunno if there is a way to permanently change the display options in the User CP. I alway just use "New Posts`.

01-19-2009, 08:58 PM
Its too cold outside, plus no one wants their cars detailed when they aren`t driving them.

01-20-2009, 10:48 AM
Eh...people seem to start a lot of threads in the wrong forums :hmph: If the mods moved `em all over to where they really belong they`d be spending all day at it.

01-20-2009, 01:40 PM
Lol, I learned to search for rotary usuage. UNLESS you guys are that bored I`ll start a thread. Theres just so much to learn before I break my rotary cherry :lol