View Full Version : Looking at a Flex, which one to get?

01-05-2009, 01:13 AM
Since my PC has crapped out, I was looking at getting a new Flex polisher. I was looking at either the XC 3401 or the L 3403. I noticed that L 3403 is a bit lighter which is nice b/c using my PC would become very tiresome when doing a 4-hour job. Also, the 3403 is less expensive. Are there any major differences between the two? Is one generally better than the other performance wise?

01-05-2009, 01:19 AM
3401 is a Random orbit polisher like your PC.

3403 is a rotary polisher.

What kind of work is it for? Just doing your own car, or do you have your own buisness that you need a heavy duty polisher for?

01-05-2009, 03:54 AM
3401 is actually a forced rotational random orbital which is big step up from yor PC and a great machine.

3403 is a light weight Rotary as stated previously.Are you looking for a step up from the PC or Do you wish to move up to a rotary ? The 3401 gives you some of the benifits of a Rotary with the added safety of a random polisher.Which is a definite upgrade to your PC.The choice will depend if your willing to or feel comfortable to step up to a rotary or not.

01-05-2009, 11:23 AM
If you want to step up to the rotary, I wouldn`t recommend the Flex unless you absolutely need the lightweight as Flex seems to be having some reliability issues.

Setec Astronomy
01-05-2009, 11:35 AM
If you want to step up to the rotary, I wouldn`t recommend the Flex unless you absolutely need the lightweight as Flex seems to be having some reliability issues.

Do we know the 3403 rotary is having issues as well? Or just limited to the 3401?

01-05-2009, 11:40 AM
AFAIK the flex 3401 is the one with the reliability issues as said in other threads. the 3403 doesn`t AFAIK????

01-05-2009, 11:53 AM
Holden_C04 had a Flex 3403 do a come-apart on him. Perusing some of the other detailing boards, it does appear that the 3403 isn`t as reliable as, say, a Makita, but then again, what is? I got my 3403 last spring, and used the crap out of it through the detailing season. I`ve never had it do a thermal trip, although it does get quite hot.

I must say, though, that if I had it to do over again, I`d probably buy the 9227 over the Flex. Yeah, it`s a bit heavier, but it`s *alot* quieter with Makita reliability.

Anything over 1k rpm on the 3403 requires ear plugs.

01-05-2009, 11:55 AM
thats good info there, thanks....hope my flex 3403 doesn`t do a come apart ;)

01-05-2009, 03:16 PM
Anything over 1k rpm on the 3403 requires ear plugs.

Which is pretty much all the time with it starting at 1100 rpm after ramp-up. I have a 3403 as well and recently began using it more. I started with a PC about a year and a half ago, but wanted something quicker and more effective. Picked up a 3401 and detailed with it for well over a year (I`m not full-time mind you). Now starting to transition to rotary (3403). I was glad that I took that intermediate step in between though with the 3401. Gave me more respect and appreciation for what these machines can do.

Meghan P
01-06-2009, 06:52 AM
You are looking at two completely different polishers, its a matter of do you want a rotary or a DA? I have used both and the lightweight rotary is great to work with and the DA is like working with the PC7424 but a lot more power. As for the durability issues we are not seeing any coming back to us with issues? I think I saw one in the past six months, considering we have gone through thousands of them, not bad!

01-07-2009, 07:01 PM
Thanks for the info guys.

I will probably order the 3401 from Autogeek. I`m not ready to step up to a rotary yet. I just need more power than the PC can give. Last summer I worked on this VW GTI that had paint imperfections from hell. There were a lot of holograms, and it almost looked like someone used steel wool on it. With the PC, I used a pretty aggressive polish and a LC Yellow pad. That didn`t do much, so I went to a wool pad, and the wool pad didn`t even correct the imperfections all that well.

Power wise, is there anything the Flex 3401 can`t tackle?